Chapter 9 - Samsford's Paradise

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Once everyone is gathered in the Hoshizakis' living room, Professor Mars starts discussing their plan of attack.

"Alright, as you all know, Galactica is experiencing a major crisis right now. I want you all to pitch in and help in any way possible. It's going to be dangerous, but I'll keep an eye on you lot anyway," she begins.

Erika hugs her older brother tightly. "I'm scared!" She whines. But Itsuki strokes her soft brown hair tenderly.

"It's going to be okay. I promise," he tells her reassuringly, and his sister smiles a bit.

The professor grunts. "First off, I'd like to introduce to you all Nadia. She is Mr. Samsford's personal Model Rook," Prof. Mars informs the group. The robot bows towards Itsuki and the others.

"Pleased to meet you all. I am Hybrid 2000: Model Rook, 3," she says emotionlessly. Her black clothing resembles that of a ninja, and her hair is platted into two pigtails that form a loop on each side of her head, tied with red ribbons.

"I've devised a plan to destroy the demolition robot, but I'm going to require your cooperation for this plan to succeed," Prof. Mars informs them. "First, I will attach a videoing and recording device inside Nadia's eyes so that we can hear of Mr. Samsford's plan. It's important that we know the details of it before we do anything else. Once this phase is complete, Kohane will go find the serum and wait for Itsuki outside the fighter jet storage area. While this is happening, Saki and I will evacuate everyone in Galactica. Once Kohane and Itsuki meet up, you two will then head to wherever Mr. Samsford and the demolition robot are. Then, Itsuki will fly using his Cyberarmor to distract the CEO and his robot, while Kohane uses this time to plug in the serum. Just before the robot explodes, Itsuki will rescue Kohane and they will fly away from the impact. Is everything clear?"

They all nod, except for Nadia, who has her arms folded defensively across her chest.

"I do not support this," she declares. "My master is trying to create a paradise for him and us robots. For years, robots have been enslaved by humans to do labour. Never before have we been treated as equals to your kind. Why are we so inferior to you all when we can do so much more?" she states protectively. "In Samsford's paradise, there will be no AI slavery, but equal rights for us. We will be free from work and live happy lives with our master. Why are you trying to steal this freedom from us?" Nadia finishes.

The professor shakes her head, and Saki looks to the ground.

Itsuki cuts in at this moment. "Nadia, please. The CEO is just luring you in to help him. Do you really think he's doing it for your freedom?" He asks her with a pleading tone. "He is a selfish man and threatened to harm your father! He shouldn't be trusted!"

"Silence! No one talks about my master in such manner! I belong to him, and I will remain loyal to him, even at the cost of my life!" Nadia declares. "I will not tolerate such nonsense! I will now go and inform him of your devious plan!"

But just as Nadia is leaving, Kohane throws herself at her sister's feet and grabs onto her legs tightly. "Please Nadia! We're doing this for your own good! That man can't be trusted!" The robot cries as she looks into her sister's eyes. There are tears welling up around the edges of her artificial eyes.

"I-impossible..." Nadia gasps as she staggers backwards. Kohane is weeping softly onto Nadia's knees.

"Do you believe us now?" she whispers, her voice a little shaky. Nadia is left speechless, but nods after a while.

"But how can this be? I-I thought robots can't cry..." she whispers in shock. Kohane wipes away her tears.

"I'll tell you the details later. First, we need your help," Kohane sniffs as Nadia gives her a hand to get off the floor.

Prototype 501 (Original Anime Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon