chapter 4

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I woke up to someone crying. I slowly opened my eyes. I was in my room. I looked over to the person crying. Sean. I sat up but clutched my stomach painfully. I slowly made my way over to Sean. I wrapped my arms around him. 

"Shh it's okay Sean." I whispered. He looked up surprised and looked at me with bloodshot eyes. He hugged me and cried into my shoulder.

"Jayy. I thought you were dead." he cried. I chuckled.

"I'm still here." I said. I looked at the clock. 10:42. 

"Get some sleep. You need your rest." I said.

"You definitely need some rest." he told me. I smiled. I tucked him into his bed and kissed his forehead.

"I love you. Goodnight." I whispered. 

"I love you. Nighty night." He whispered back. I smiled and crawled to my mattress. I looked down at what I was wearing. My shirt had blood on it. I lifted up my shirt and saw the cuts clean. Sean must of cleaned everything. I took my shirt and pants off leaving me with boxers. I crawled under the covers and fell asleep.

Blake's POV

I blasted music in my room as I brushed my teeth in my bathroom. I brushed my teeth thoroughly and rinsed. I brushed my hair a bit and turned the light off. I closed the door and walked to my bed. I plopped down on it and picked up my phone. I had a text from Danny.

(Blake is in blue and Danny is in red) 

Text conversation: 

Hey what's up

Nothin just finished brushing my teeth wbu?

Just watching a movie So who's your partner in English? I got Nancy she wanted to do it about Rebbecca Black -__-

I got Jayy we're doing it on Andy Six

You got Jayy??? And luckyyyy

Yeah why is there a problem?

No itz that your probably gonna mess with him

And if I do...?

You shouldn't it isn't right he doesn't deserve it

Why do you care?!

Because I do!

You never cared before why now Do you like Jayy or something?!

And if I do?!

Then I'd say tough luck he's mine!

He's not yours he won't even talk to you!

He doesn't talk to anyone!

Just don't mess with him Blake if I like him or not he doesn't deserve a broken heart

Screw you Danny I do what I want when I want

I turned my phone off and got under the covers of my bed. I turned the lights off with the remote. Jayy will be mine. My plan will go on. Even if Danny gets mad about it.

Jayy's POV

I woke up from the beeping of the alarm clock. I got up and hunched over in pain. How am I going to go to school like this. I sure as hell can't stay home. I turned the alarm off and woke Sean up. We got dressed and and grabbed our backpacks. I looked out the door. I heard the TV on. Damn why are they up so early. I turned back to Sean.

"When we get downstairs run for the door. With or without me. Got it." I said.

"I'm not leaving without you." He said.

"You have to. Sean promise me you'll still leave even if I don't make it out." I told him. He sighed.

"I promise." he said.

"Good. Let's go." We snuck down the stairs. We almost made it until Todd saw us. I panicked. I pushed Sean out the door. I ran but not before I got a punch in the face. I held the left side of my face and hurried out. I closed the door. We ran from the house. Once we were a block away we slowed down. I was breathing hard. I couldn't run since my stomach. So it hurt a lot.

"Sean. I'm going to ditch school okay. I can't go like this. When the bus gets to our stop I'll meet you there okay?' I said. He nodded.

"Okay good because you really need to rest Jayy I'm worried about you." he said. He hugged me. I hugged back and looked him in the eyes..

"Have a good day at school and do me a favor." I said.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Tell Spencer and Blake that I'm sick and I'll be back tomorrow okay?' I said. He nodded.

"I'll be at the park all day if you need me." I kissed his forehead.

"Have a good day at school." I whispered.

"Have a good day at the park." he said. I hugged him and let him go to the bus stop. Oh how much I love him. Without him I would of been dead. I would of commited suicide. But I couldn't do that to him. He needs me. I sighed and walked to the park. It was empty since everyone was at school. It is Tuesday anyways. I sat on a swing. I took out my old ipod and put in my ear phones. You're probably wondering how I have an iPod. Well I've been having one even before I met Jen and Todd. I charge it with an old plug in I have. I also have a cell phone. Sean and I both do. They're pretty crappy. Both are flip phones. At least we can text and call. That's all that matters. Their cheap too. I can afford it. Yes Todd actually give us money as allowance. Only because he's drunk most of the time and doesn't know what he's doing. I blasted Nirvana by Blood On The Dance Floor (I'm hearing it right now x] ) I let the music engulf me. It's funny that they have a member named Jayy and he's gay. And he can scream and so can I. So much in common ^-^. I swing back in forth. Empty. Just me on the swing hearing music. 

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