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Blake's POV

Another rainy day. I looked out the window as the rain drops fell one by one. I just finished my visit to Noah and Luna since Jayy isn't here to do it anymore. Noah has been depressed lately too. He's misses Jayy just as much as I do. I wiped another tear as it fell from my cheek. I looked to my right to see Spencer on my bed laying down on his back looking at a picture of him and Sean. Poor guy. Poor us. How are they? What foster home are they in? Are they even in the same state as us? We don't know anything so how are we going to get them. How are we going to save them? We thought of so many things to do. If Spencer's parents could adopt them. That's a flat no since they're barely home. I doubt child services will let them adopt them with no one home. My parents? Haha no. They don't even want me at home. I'm lucky those cops didn't take me since I'm alone in my apartment. It's probably because the apartment is being paid for by my parents and it's under their name. I looked

back out the window as more rain drops fell. I heard Spencer burst out in sobs again. He's been an emotional wreck and bursts out in sobs at any moment. I get up and go comfort him like I always do. I have to be strong for the both of us or where will we be now?

Sean's POV

"C'mon Sean dinner is ready!" Casper yelled.

"I'm not hungry." I grumbled. Casper looked at me sadly and walked over to me.

"C'mon Sean you're never hungry. Go and eat or you'll get sick." Casper whispered. I simply shook my head and turned away from him. Casper is my roommate and knows about what happened. He knows I love Spencer but doesn't really care since he's not a homophobe.

"You'll see them again. You can't stay like this forever." he said.

"I barely turned 16. We get out of this place at 18. I have two years. Nobody knows where I am. I used to live in California for crying out loud. Now I'm all the way in New York! I don't even know where Jayy is." I whimpered and bursted out in tears. Casper comforted me and rubbed my back.

"I'll help you find him." he said. I didn't know if he was serious or just trying to cheer me up but he sounded very determined.

Jayy's POV

I stood there awkwardly as Trent's and Matt's eyes were on me. Caleb and I just told them I was gay and we were waiting for their response. Well Caleb told them. I'm not talking anymore remember. I looked down at my shoes and the next thing I know I was tackled to the ground by..... Trent? I looked at him with scared eyes as he smiled wide and hugged me.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Trent said in his usual happy hyper self. I smiled slightly and shrugged. Matt extended his hand to me and helped me up. He pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay Jayy. My old best friend was gay and I didn't care." he said. I nodded a thank you and sat down on my bed.

"Is that all you guys wanted to tell us?" Trent asked. Caleb and I called a group meeting to tell them that and something else.

"No that's not it." Caleb said.

"What else?" Matt asked.

"Well as you all know Jayy will be 18 and will be able to leave in several months. We need to help him. We need to help him find his brother, his boyfriend and his friend. His boyfriend and friend, Blake and Spencer, live in California. We have no idea where his brother is right now and need to find him. We are on a mission these next months to find out everything we need to know where his brother ,Sean, is. We know where Blake and Spencer are but not where Sean is. Sean can be anywhere in the United States. He WON'T be in Mexico." Caleb said while looking directly at me as I waved and smiled awkwardly. I kind of told him I was worried he would be in Mexico.

"Anyways, that's our mission. Are you two in or out?" Caleb asked. Trent and Matt looked at each other then at us.

"I'm in." Matt said.

"So am I." Trent said.

"I'm in." we heard someone say from the door way. We turned to see Roxie's smiling face. Roxie doesn't really run the foster home. Her parents do but she had to take over for a couple of weeks since they had some business to take care of but now they're back. Looks like we have a mission to do. And I am not stopping until I find Sean.


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