Chapter 7: A New Breed

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Thanks for the reviews. I'm going to skip to Monday the month after the Itachi thing of school. The days that Gaara and Neji stayed home from school. Something bad happen. And Gaara is a new person. The question is, what's going to happen?


Chapter 7
A New Breed

It was Monday morning. Neji was driving to school. He looked over at Gaara and saw that the boy didn't seem himself. It had been a month now and Gaara had been acting weird ever since, he'd had that last run in with Itachi at school. Neji knew Gaara never wanted to do something horribly bad but he understood that Gaara was only being protective-

"Gaara...are you alright?" Neji was little concerned about him by now. So many bad things had happened in the passed month that he only had the right to be worried.

"I-I didn't mean to do it. He was hurting me and couldn't take it anymore. So I fought back and now he's-" Gaara couldn't say anything else.

"Forget about it. We have school and remember you're. You and I both need to worry about Itachi." Neji saw Gaara smile, but it wasn't a real smile, it was forced. They were both going to have fun today.

"You're right. I'll teach those assholes never to fuck with me again." Gaara said, and he was quite serious.

They got to school and saw all the kids outside waiting for the bell to ring. Like always, certain groups always stayed together and friends. They got out of the car and went over to their own group of friends. Neji saw that Itachi watching them walk but he didn't care.

"Hey guys!" Yelled Naruto.

"So what kind of news do you guys have for us today." Said Gaara.

"Well my brother and Orochimaru are together now." Said Sasuke, with and 'ick' sound in his voice.

"How do you know that?" Asked Gaara.

"I saw them kissing and touching each other outside my house. Me and Naruto were in my room when we heard them do we went to look and well, you know the rest." Said Sasuke.

"Yeah, but we hid after they saw us looking at them. God, Orochimaru is one fucking scary guy. I don't understand why Itachi would go out with something like that." Naruto shivered.

"I don't like the guy anyway. He's a freak and no one, but Itachi and that weird pack of friends he has likes the guy." Said Kiba.

"Well we're going to homeroom." Said Sasuke, not trying to be around for the rest of the conversation. He walked away and took Naruto with him. The others left too, heading to their homerooms. Neji and Gaara were left alone again. They started walking into the school, but two people stood in front of them quickly.

"What do you two want?" Neji scowled.

"We just feel like talking to you." Said Itachi.

"Why can't you-" Gaara was cut off.

"No Gaara, they want you to fight back. Let me take care of it. Get to homeroom now." Said Neji.

"Okay, see ya later, Neji." Gaara walked off into the building, not bothering to look back behind him to see exactly how Neji was going to 'takecare' of things.

Neji waited until he was sure Gaara was gone. "Now, what do you assholes want to talk about?" Neji looked up and smiled, evilly.

"You know, don't play dumb with us, Neji. You know we can take you on." Said Orochimaru.

"True, but I don't feel like fighting. Me and Gaara were up all night." He paused. We're both tired and I don't have time for either of you." Neji said.

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