Chapter 1: The Only One

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This is my first Gaa/Nej/Gaa story. There is some fighting and a tiny bit of yaoi. But I won't get to the Yaoi until later chapters. Enjoy


It was seven in the morning and Gaara was still in bed. Kankurou went up to his room to wake him up.

"Hey Gaara, it's time for school." Kankurou knew what Gaara was about to say.

"I don't want to go." Said Gaara then rolled over and pulled the covers over his head.

"Come on Gaara. We are going to be late again." Kankurou hated trying to get Gaara out of bed. So he picked Gaara up off the bed and carried him to the bathroom. When Kankurou got the door open. He put Gaara in the bathtub and turned on the cold water. This made Gaara get up and stare at his brother who just smiled.

"I hate you Kankurou. Why can't you just let me stay home?" Gaara really hated school. Everyone called him names and talked behind his back, but he hardly care.

"Don't make me get Temari up here." Kankurou loved saying that to Gaara.

"Okay, I'll get ready." Gaara walked out and went to his room.

Gaara went to homeroom right after Kankurou found his friends. Gaara had no friends and he hated his brother and sister's friends. He didn't even like talking to people, after what he went through two years ago when he was still living with his father. It was hard for him to trust people.

When he got in homeroom. He found a seat in the back of the room. He looked around to see who was in his class. He saw a kid with blond hair and a big mouth. His name was Naruto and every since the first day Gaara moved here. Naruto had been trying to be friends with him but Gaara wouldn't talk to him. Only on occasion.

Then there was Sasuke. He was one of Naruto's friends. Even he tried to talk to Gaara but he got the reaction as Naruto. So he didn't even try to talk to him-well maybe a little.

Then there was Ino and Sakura, they were a pain in the ass. They always bugged him, trying everything to get him to talk, but it never worked.

Then there was a girl all her own. She was really quiet when she talked. It was a low voice. She was a member of a rich family and her cousin was hot. Her name is Hinata. She stayed to herself and sometimes talked to Gaara. He talked to her, but only to get help in the classes they had together. She wasn't a friend. He only used her to get good grades since they were in all the same classes. There were other kids like Hinata's boyfriend Kiba.

Gaara put his headphones on so people couldn't talk to him but it didn't worked because Naruto found him sitting in the back of the room.

"Hey Gaara! Why are you sitting back here?" Naruto did this every morning and all he got was a evil stare.

"..." Gaara didn't want to talk. He knew if he did Naruto would never leave him alone.

"Hey dobe! Just let the mute go." Sasuke had been calling Gaara that since last year.

"Why do you always have to call him that you fucking teme?" Asked Naruto.

"Because the kid never fucking talks. He is a mute!" Shouted Sasuke to get everyone to look back. "If people try to talk to him and he just stares at them!"

Gaara just looked at him. Then turned his CD player on and looked down at his desk.

'Why do they call me a mute? They don't understand my past, fucking losers. Why is the teacher never here?' It was true. The teacher was never in the room for homeroom. He never come in until it was first period.

The Only One (Naruto Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora