Chapter 6: Granted With Caption

Start from the beginning

"Me, Zaku, Dosu and Kabuto can hold back Neji and Kankurou." Said Tazuna.

"It's true. We could do that, but then you also have his friends too." Said Kabuto.

"Me, Zaku and Dosu can take care of his friends." Said Kin.

"Fine...Kin, Zaku and Dosu it's your job is to keep my brother and his friends from finding out what we have planned for Gaara. Kisame, I want you to go with them. Kabuto and Tazuna keep Neji and Kankurou away from Gaara. Orochimaru, Kimimaro and Sasori, you three are helping me with the brat. This time, after I'm done, you three can do whatever you want to him. Just don't kill him." Said Itachi. After the plan was set they all went their own ways.

(Roku: I'm lazy so I'm skipping to lunch time. Sorry school stuff bores me to death. Lol)

It was lunchtime and Gaara was walking to the café. He was almost there when someone stopped him.

"Hey Gaara. Someone wants to talk to you. Now come with me or I'll make you." Said Sasori.

"I'll come. I don't want to be pushed around today. I know it's Itachi anyway." Said Gaara as they walked to see Itachi. While they were walking Gaara could tell that the closer he got to Itachi, the more people followed him and Sasori. By the time they got to Itachi, there were three people behind him. He looked to see who they were and knew that it was a bad idea to go by himself. Itachi, Orochimaru, Kimimaro and Sasori were the meanest kids that the school had. He was always safe, but when it came to Itachi and his group, no one would help. Well his brother and boyfriend would, but he didn't get to talk to them yet.

'What does Itachi want this time? I thought he got what he wanted at my house.' Gaara looked at the three boys and they smiled at him and pushed him into the room where there wasn't any class.

"Hi Gaara, it's nice to see you again. Where were you yesterday? I asked your boyfriend and he didn't even know. I thought you were afraid to come to school because of what I did to you in your own house while your boyfriend was upstairs." Itachi started laughing evilly.

"Shut up Itachi. What do you fucking want now? I've got things to do and no time for you. Now talk or I'm leaving." Gaara was about to leave, but saw that the other three blocked him from getting out.

"We're going to make you wish you were never born, Gaara. It's the four of us against you. Now be easy and will or we'll be forcing you." Said Itachi in the scariest voice ever heard. Gaara knew what was going to happen and there was no way that Neji or anyone could stop them from doing in. He felt someone put a blindfold over his eyes and another person tied his hand hands and feet so he couldn't run or defend himself. Then someone else put something in his mouth and tied it behind his head. He was freaking out a little, but it got worse when he heard Itachi.

"We promise it won't hurt Gaara. But you're not going free until all of us get a turn this time." Itachi and the others started laughing and before Gaara knew it. The pain was already starting, and it got worse.

(Roku: I'm evil again. Poor Gaara, I feel so bad for the things that are happening to him. I love Gaara to death. Everyone that knows me can tell you that but he just gets tortured in my stories. Well back to the story.)

Meanwhile Neji and the others were in the lunchroom, talking about things like who the fan girls were going after next and the new couples that had gotten together. They didn't realize that Gaara had never made it to lunch.

"Hey, where's Gaara?" Asked Neji.

"I haven't seen him since this morning." Said Haku.

"Well he was in last period." Said Hinata.

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