chapter 14

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First of all- Jazak Allah for 1K reads people! :) Love you al! 


Christmas was good, well until the deal that is. 

The reliance deal was to be held at the conference hall of Shahaan Industries headquaters,  London, UK,  my office at 10pm at night! 

So after all the christmas celebrations i decided to see the lil angels and theb head to the office. 

"Ammi,  i am going to work" I yelled from the living room. 

"Okay salaam!" she yelled back. 

"Hay wait!" said Hasti as she ran to me. 

"What?" I asked her as I straightened the tie. 

"your meeting is at 10pm, its barely 8!" she said and I sighed. 

"Hasti,  i have work,  allah hafeez" i said and wlaked out. 

I wanted to tell her but then again, i like to hide good deeds. 

I got out of the house and got into my car. I had to meet them and then i had to insha allah finalize the Reliance Deal. 

I drove out towards the Lil Angels home. 

"Assalamualaikum Kaif bhai!" they screamed as soon as I stepped out of the car. 

Lil Angels Home was an orphanage that i always visited. I always donated things here and they were like family to me, a family that my real family had no idea about. Not that they would object or anything, just that i really did not want them to you know- get to know i am doing such things- idk but when I started giving them things and all, i really did not want ammi and Zaki to know. 

"Wa alaikum mus salaam wa rahmahtullah hi wabarakatuhu!!" I replied as i walked inside the huge house. 

"Kaif bhai, Jazak Allah khair for the toys!" said Zayna. 

"Welcome sweethearts!" I said as the boys hugged me. 

There were about 12 kids here, majority were girls and there were only 5 boys, Uzair 5 years old, Waqif 4 years old, El 7 years old, James 9 years old and Kashav 3 years old. The rest got adopted. 

The girls were Tanaya, Kiara and Kaya, all 9 years old, Zayna was the eldest 10 years and Louis and Farah 4 years old and Tara the youngest, 2 years old. 

"So how was christmas?" I asked them as I set in the living room. 

They crowded around me and sister Liana smiled at me warmly

"Kaif, dear, whatever you have done for us in the past years we really-" said Sister Liana as I stood up. 

"Sister Liana, I consider you as my mother and these kids as my siblings so please don't make me feel like a stranger by saying such things!" I said and she smiled

She put her hand on my head and tears rolled down her cheeks

"May your lord shower his utmost blessing and health upon you and your family!" she said 

I smiled

"Allah has given me and my family so much wealth and heath alhamdulillah, so it is my duty to give some happiness to them!" i said to sister liana 

She grinned. 

"Every mother should get a son like you!" she said as the kids cheered 

I stayed there for another hour before heading to work. They wished me luck for the deal. 

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