Epilogue [Day Twenty-nine]

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^ As promised, my inspo song is here. I had an inspo song for Replay too, somehow songs seem to give me book ideas. I'm sure you can tell how this song inspired this book.


Well this is it. You've reached the final chapter, congrats!
I hope I didn't cause too much damage...
Enjoy. Love ya <3 ~ Owl


-Zak's POV-

Waking up in a bed instead of a coffin is a pleasant change. It's been so long since I've slept, so long that I slept through to the next day.

I turn over to see Darryl beside me, wide awake and scrolling through his phone. I'm surprised he's not asleep, as he's clearly not slept properly in a couple days either.

"Why are you awake?" I mutter, pushing my hair out of my eyes. Darryl turns to me, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Good morning to you too sunshine" he giggles. "Just replying to some fans who wondered what had happened."

I roll my eyes at the nickname, hating that I can't hide my stupid blush. "Babe it's dark out, there's no sun in sight."

The clock on the wall suggests as much, as I can't actually see out of the windows with the curtains drawn. It's just a little past midnight, so it must be near pitch black outside.

I turn my attention back to him, squinting from the brightness of his phone. He quickly puts it away, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer.

"Why are you awake?" I repeat, him having dodged the question last time. "No offence, but you looked awful last time I saw you."

"Love you too" Darryl smirks. "I slept for almost ten hours, which is quite the achievement with insomnia." I nod, silently cursing myself for forgetting about his insomnia. Three days of thinking I'm dead, only for me to return and proceed to sleep through the entire day.

How nice of you Zak...

"Well I'm not tired anymore" I comment, stretching my arms up above my head. My muscles are still weak having not been used properly in a while, but at least I can walk properly.

"How about we go out?" Darryl suggests. "It's been a while since we've got to enjoy the nighttime together."

Memories of night before the notebooks flash across my mind, making me smile. Just some quiet nights in the coffee shop, chatting about who knows what and just enjoying each other's company.

Back when we didn't know we were close, just employee and customer. Bad and Skeppy seemed a million miles away, like they were in a world of their own.

Despite seemingly acting under two personalities, we were always the same person. I've always loved both versions of my boyfriend, whether he's Bad or Darryl. I hope he would say the same. I'm sure he would.

"It's pretty cold out y'know. Still January." As if emphasising my point, I tug the bedsheets further over my body. Even with a blanket underneath I'm still freezing, the biting cold somehow making it feel as bad in here as it probably is outside.

Darryl pulls me closer, wrapping his arms tighter around my waist. He gently leans my head against his chest, his heartbeat thrumming in my ears.

The scars over his chest must still be pretty painful, as he's positioned my head on the opposite side of his chest. Which is a little awkward, as I'm now sort of leaning across him.

I push his arms away, deeming it a better option to just sit in his lap comfortably. So I do, repositioning myself so we're both comfortable.

"Well I didn't mean going outside muffin" he runs a hand through my hair, using the other to push his glasses further up his nose. I think I might've knocked them.

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