Chapter 3. Just A Little Fluff

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~3 hours later~

A few hours later, Chopper comes back to check on them. They were sleeping, but like he said earlier, he was going to check on them.

He crawls over Sanji's sleeping body, and over to Luffy's side to check his temperature. He was getting warmer.

Chopper smiles happily, he crawls back over them and leaves feeling very positive that Luffy would get better.

Little did Chopper know, he wasn't going to get better....Akso, Sanji was never asleep, he was just pretending hoping Chopper wouldn't ask him anything.

Luffy's POV -

I woke up because I felt a very sharp pain go down from my neck to my lower back. I could feel something warm around my body. 'What is that?' I think as I struggle to open my eyes.

I finally open my eyes, and to my surprise it was already dark out. I then could smell a faint sent of cigarettes and cologne. I slightly look up to see what it was that was close to me.

To my unbelieving shock it was Sanji, he was holding me close to him quite loosely. I notice that Sanji wasn't sleeping, he would open his eyes every once in while. I had no clue why he was here, or what was going on but I kinda liked it...

But what I did know was that, my body was aching all over and that I felt myself about to tear up. Why was I about to cry? It doesn't make sense...

Sanji's POV -

I couldn't sleep what so ever. I was a bit uncomfortable having Luffy this close to me, but I had to do it. I had to help him.

I didn't want him to die, he's our captain and my...friend.... sigh No matter how stupid he can be, we all need him around.

Just as I was close to drifting off I could feel Luffy's head move, as well as I small squeak come from the smaller boy beside me.

I had moved the arm I had around him to my hip, to get more comfortable. I wasn't trying to freak him out at all, he wouldn't know what to think of this situation.

"I know you're awake Luffy.......come on, open your eyes," I say with a hushed tone, staring down at him in the darkened room.

"Why?....Why was it you?" I could hear him ask in a kind of muffled voice. I could feel him berry his head into my chest, and was clutching onto my shirt.

"No one else was available," I spit out in a bitter tone. "Now go back-" I stop myself, I could notice myself getting louder with each word. I guess that was a bit harsh...As soon as I stopped speaking I heard a sniffle come from the raven haired boy.

"Luffy?......What's wrong? You can tell me you know. I won't tell anyone," I say bringing my voice back down to almost a whisper.

"I'm ok sniff, it's nothing...." he says to me with a quiet heart breaking voice. He was crying....

"You're a bad liar you know...." I jokingly say giving out a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess I am," he says in between sobs, and with each sob he grips my shirt tighter.

I moved my arm back from my hip to holding Luffy. I held him close while he cries his eyes out. I wasn't too sure why he was crying, but I did know that if I tried asking what was wrong; it might've made things worse.

A few minutes later he stops sobbing, I then could feel his hand move to wrap around body. It kind of startles me at first, but I didn't resist.

It feels a bit weird hugging another guy like this under these circumstances, but I wasn't opposed to it. It feels kinda nice and comforting....

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I knew there was a bright light shining through the window. I then could hear voices coming from outside the room. "Mmmm..." I hum touching my head.

They were loud enough that I could hear them through the walls, but I guess they were quiet enough. I couldn't make out what they were saying though.

I open my eyes to look around, and mainly just to get adjusted to the bright light pouring in through the slightly clouded window

I slowly turn around sitting up in the bed, the covers had slightly slid off leaving me feeling a bit cold. I got out of bed, fully taking the covers off of me. I stretch and quietly gather my things from beside the door.

Before leaving the room, I quickly glance back to the sleeping Luffy; before going back I tuck him in. As I step outside the room I'm hot with a cool spring breeze blowing through my short blonde hair. Once out on the deck , I stretch once more.

I stood facing the front of the ship, it was a little foggy, but otherwise visible.

I could swear that I felt someone watching me, I quickly turn around and barely noticed a few heads pop back into the kitchen. Chopper walks up to me knowingly, he startles me by asking how Luffy was.

"Geez, you scared me...he seems fine to me," I responded. I also say that his body temperature was rising a bit. With that Chopper seems glad. He thanks me and goes into the room to check on Luffy himself.

I walk up the stairs to the kitchen yawning with a slight glint to my eye. I was just about to open the door when I hear a loud thud come from inside

'Oh great now what??' I think as I open the door.

Words - 976

Bit of a longer chapter, hope you like it 😘

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