What did i do wrong?

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I awoke to a blinding light. "Shit" I rolled over expecting to find Killian. I moved my hand all over and came up empty. I opened my eyes and sat up looking around. He's gone! After last night, but we.....

"He's an Alpha" Storm sighs."he's probably just busy."

Yea I'm sure That's it.I shrugged it off and hopped out of bed. Man am I sore?

I walked to the closet and pulled on my skinnies and a tank top. I wanna see him I smiled and grabbed my chuck's pulling them on.

I could hear voices coming from downstairs but I couldn't tell what they were saying. I could sense my mate. I wouldn't say that I ran but I didn't exactly walk either.

I entered the kitchen and I saw Emma with her mate Nick. Then there was my delicious mate.

"Hey Em" I hugged her. She Smiles and Hugs back. I go to Killian and kiss his cheek, or well tried to. He flinched away from me and turned the other way to continue talking to Nick.

I don't understand,  what did i do? I don't remember doing anything to make him mad. I turned and looked at Emma. She looked shocked and confused.

"Bye babe, I have to do patrol with Killian. " Nick kissed Emma sweetly. I stepped toward Killian and he moved back from me. His face held no emotion.  He just walked out the door, Nick following his face held pity for me. As soon as the door shut I felt my heart drop to the floor  and shatter. The tears just kept coming. I forgot all about Emma till she pulled me into a hug.

"What did I do?" I asked Emma.

"I'm not sure sweetie"

I couldn't stand the look of pity on her face anymore. I pushed her away from me and ran away. I couldn't stand to go to our room, so I ended up back in the garden.

I just dropped to the ground. I kept playing last night over and over in my head. We.....I gave myself to him. Did I do something wrong? He seemed fine last night.


Hours had passed, but I couldn't bear the thought of seeing any looks of pity again. Unfortunately it was getting dark.

"We could just stay the night out here"Storm suggested. I didn't want to say no, but I've been outside awhile before and It's not so fun. Of course It's dinner time. And to go upstairs I have to pass the dinning room.

"Fuck me" I tried my best to be quiet but as luck would have it heads turned toward me.

"Ara, come eat" Nick Smiles to me.

I looked to my mate he just watched me with that same blank look on his face. I shook my head backing away.

"I'm not hungry" I turned and sped away. I could hear them calling after me but I just couldn't stop.

When I got to our room, I grabbed some clothes and went to a spare room. I didn't even bother changing. I crawled into bed and cried myself to sleep.



I woke up feeling like shit and trust me I didn't look any better either. My hair was a frizzy mess, my skin was pale and my eyes were red and puffy. Not to mention swollen.

I didn't want someone to see me like this. I especially didn't want to see him. I pulled on my shorts and a tank top. I opened the window. Clear jump down. I swung my legs over the edge, closed my eyes and jumped.

As soon as my feet hit the ground I took off running. I ran into the forest. When I was far away from the pack house I stripped out of my clothes and shifted. I loved the feel of my claws digging into the ground.

Storm hasn't said much so guess I'm on my own as always. I took of and I never wanted to stop.

I ran and then I ran some more. I stopped beside a little pond and just talked to Storm.  She only responded a few times. Hours passed. After my second run I just sat down. I don't want to go back to a mate like that. So I didn't. I slept there.

By morning I awoke to voices screaming in my head.

"Has anyone found the Luna!? " Damn pack bond. I got up and stretched. I slowly made my way back. I stopped and changed.

Here goes nothing. I walked up to the door and walked in.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" Killian yelled in my face.


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