Is That You Sara????

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They now continued their daily lives and night time vigilante business not talking about the night ever again as Oliver and Diggle could not bear to see felicity in pain and drifting into the darkness as she was the light of their team and she kept them sane, they rarely admitted to felicity but it was her who showed them they could be sinners and yet help other people while sacrificing their souls. A few day passed and Tommy and laurel returned to starling city laurel began working at her law firm and Tommy open up a small company besides the law firm. Oliver was glad Tommy took it all in a positive way and atoned for his father's dead by selling Merlyn global and using funds to improve the glades. A month had passed and they were sightings of a new vigilante, this time Oliver was at lunch with Tommy and laurel when they were attacked by some masked men and Oliver managed to help them both get out. He asked them whether they knew who was under the hood and laurel replied that she's had a feeling someone was following her around and said maybe it was them. Lance had arrived when he got the news and hugged laurel, he heard her talk about being followed and said he to felt that way. Felicity had arrived to inform Oliver about the lady vigilante and lance asked to talk to her, lance asked her to find out who is stalking him and laurel and she said she'd pass his message to their common friend and they shall be safe. And felicity left saying she'll talk to him later. At night she told him she had a location on the vigilante and he left to find her. He was going to fight her and he realized that he knew her, she to recognized the hood and ran to hug him, he hugged her back and realized they were on the road and if seen they could be caught so he brought her to the foundry. Oliver introduced her as Sara to Diggle and felicity, felicity just started babbling while asking whether she was the same Sara that was on the boat with him and had died on the island and Oliver just nodded in response, Sara's smile widen and called felicity cute, felicity frowned for a split second when Diggle interfered and asked her how she's alive. She replied saying when Oliver thought she was dead she was still breathing and was alive for a few more days when she saw a boat approaching and they noticed her and took her in treating her till she recovered, she thought Oliver had died and decided to stay with her rescuers, she later realized that her rescuer was none other than Nyssa al Gul the heir to the demon and she was joining the league of assassins when she decided to stay. And they are the ones who trained her and she was in alliance with them until she heard Oliver was alive and ever since she has tried to escape and return home but was mostly unable to, and finally she did. Oliver asked her why she couldn't just leave and she said it was because she was told once you form an alliance with the league there is no quitting and she ran to make sure her family is safe and now they have reached her and will hurt her family . John noticed felicity had stopped listening and zoned out by the time Sara had finished, he wondered what happened and signaled to Oliver and Sara they too noticed felicity, they saw that her facial expressions had change and Oliver noticed that it was the same as when she had the nightmare after the undertaking and also when she had told them about losing her sister. They brought her back and she apologized for zoning out and said she shall see them later she needed to go.

Sara asked Oliver why she left and whether felicity had a problem with her being there. As Sara asked Oliver, felicity returned to get her purse and she went to Sara and said she was thinking about her past as what Sara described was something she had felt and comforted Sara. She said the her decision to leave her family had hurt them a lot and so when she returned it was difficult for her to adjust to them, but she promised Sara that the team arrow, her Oliver and Diggle will work together to make sure she remains with her family and the league is off limits. Oliver and Diggle both nodded agreeing with felicity, and felicity moved close to give Sara a hug as they began their friendship with respect and trust in each other that they will protect one another not matter what. Sara wasn't quite sure but the look in Oliver's eyes made her confident that felicity can be trusted and just as Oliver demons are known by her Sara knew hers too will come across felicity and she will accept them without judgement. 

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