I'm sorry for those of you who like these and want a update I'm just lazy and these take forever to make because I have to look at my iPad to make this then look at my phone so I know what to type and it's hard because you have to get everything right not misspell not overlook a word or sentence and you also have to get in a comfortable position that also allows you to look at both devices easily and have enough room etc and it's hard and when you have adhd that's get really boring just sitting there looking at 2 screens for such a long period of time and stay in the same position and not get distracted or something or want to do something else and I will say that when I make these I'm miserable because I get bored and want to do something else I'm a paranoid person (it doesn't help that I always watch scary animations with my mom and trust me when I was young......I honestly don't know where my strange traumatizing nightmares came from....I don't have a clue..because I was paranoid but I don't remember being into the scary stories and stuff when I was younger and I never really had another nightmare after the ones I had when I was 5 or 6 the closest thing I had to one was a very strange dream I had some months ago and recently a couple nights ago I'm not even sure if I was asleep or not but I ended up having a praying to god moment and that was really the first nightmare I remember having since when I was 5 or 6 and the first one I was so scared that I ended up having a pray to god moment oof) but it's hard and I don't update this much because it just makes me miserable writing it because it takes so long and etc trust me when I say, it's not fun but I'll try to update today or tomorrow!

Toxic out and off to think about the misery to come

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