Three Skeleton Key

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Three skeleton key by George G. Toudouze is a classic story of terror about three men who are in a lighthouse when it is attacked by a horde of ravenous rats.

My most terrifying experience? Well, one does have a few in thirty-five years of service in the Lights,(da fuck is dat??????) although it's mostly monotonous routine work – keeping the light in order(wuht?),making out the reports

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My most terrifying experience? Well, one does have a few in thirty-five years of service in the Lights,(da fuck is dat??????) although it's mostly monotonous routine work – keeping the light in order(wuht?),making out the reports.

When I was a young man, not very long in the service, there was an opening in a lighthouse newly built off the coast of Guiana,on a small rock twenty miles or so from the mainland. The pay was high so in order to reach the sum I had set out to save before I was married, I volunteered for service in the new light.

Three skeleton key,the small rock on which the light stood, bore a bad reputation. It earned its name from the story of the three convicts who,escaping from Cayenne in a stolen dugout canoe,were wrecked on the rock during the night, managed to escape the sea but eventually died Of hunger and thirst. When they were discovered, nothing remained but three heaps of bones, picked clean by birds. The story was that the three skeletons,gleaming with phosphorescent(much letters 😂🤣) light, danced over the small rock, screaming...

But there are many such stories and I did not give the warnings of the old-timers at the Isle de Sein a second thought. I signed up,boarded ship and in a month I was installed at the light.

Picture a gray, tapering cylinder welded to the solid black rock by iron rods and concrete rising from a small island twenty-odd miles from land. It lay in the midst of the sea,this island,a small,bare pice of stone,about one hundred fifty feet long,perhaps forty wide. Small,barely large enough for a man to walk about and stretch his legs at low tide.(I'm a girl with like 7 foot long legs that sounds terrifying I would loose balance)

This is an advantage one doesn't find in all lights,however, for some of them rise sheer from the waves, with no room for one to move save within the light itself. Still,on our island, one must be careful,for the rocks were treacherously smooth. One misstep and down you would fall into the sea – not that the risk of drowning was so great, but the waters around our island swarmed with huge sharks that kept an eternal patrol around the base of the light.

 One misstep and down you would fall into the sea – not that the risk of drowning was so great, but the waters around our island swarmed with huge sharks that kept an eternal patrol around the base of the light

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