Fire and Ice

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- Luella x


Fire and Ice

The sunlight was reflecting the car windows as the trees move east because of the wind. Pine trees are impossible to count and the woods looked so inviting to get lost with. This is my favorite part of Seattle; the woods. I didn't say I didn't like the city, I mean it was the heart of the state but I was a kind of person who liked peaceful places. Outside this car, the surroundings looked calming but inside, it was a total disaster.

"Dad, can you let me drive?" Ronald asked our dad for like the seventh time today. He was in the passenger seat with his arms crossed over his chest as he was annoyingly sighing for the whole drive. It was irritating as hell that my head feels like it was going to explode.

"How many times do I have to tell you it's not safe," of course, dad said for that for the seventh time also.

"But dad,"

"Stop it now, Ronald or else I'll bring you back to Venice and you'll be miserable for the rest of the summer." Dad said in a strict tone that made R went silent.

Ronald Deangelo. He's my youngest brother, but not that young. I'm only two years older than him. He dyed his hair into aqua blue last year, which earned an ear-killing scolding session with dad. I often called him R together with my eldest sister. She was the one who invented that name for Ronald ever since he was only five. R was typically the type of guy who always wanted to try new things -I understand that because he's still young -and he's a big anime fan. People back in Venice thought he's gay about it because he always dressed up in any favorite character he wishes. It once made him cry so me being her elder sister, I fought for him, even though I ended up getting humiliated by being myself too.

"Okay, I won't drive now, but you'll let me drive when we got back." R smirked and dad sighed as heavy as he can muster. Just like dad, I wanted R to shut up too. I mean we were travelling for like two days now. First, we get in a plane from Venice all the way here in Seattle and now we're on the road to go to our summer camp.

"R, did you even get jetlag? We are all tired and you wanted to drive. If we have an extra car, we will leave you driving and even ignore you if you crash into the trees here." Persephone snapped. It was really obvious that jetlag really got into her. She was in the other side of the car, looking uncomfortable to get a rest.

"Gee, sorry, Percy." I caught R rolled his eyes and pulled his hood over his head as if he can try to hide his face from everyone.

Persephone Deangelo. We call her Percy for short. She was our eldest sister, but she was only a year older from me. Since we are only the two girls in the family, the attention was more on her. Percy was really beautiful. She got a perfect white complexion, hazel eyes, long wavy hair and her body was pretty slim. Even if she got all of this, she never cared about it. She was pretty quiet in front of everybody. But when she's in the mood to be preppy, she was the best gal to hang out with.

"Adara, are you sure about all the clothes you've brought for the summer camp?" Dad's gaze went into the rearview mirror so he can look at me in the eyes.

"Yes, dad,"

R chuckled. "Dad thinks you're going to the funeral instead of a summer camp."

"Shut up!" I grabbed a pillow beside me and threw it over him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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