"Call me 'Rakshit'!"

"No sir! How can I?"

"Shut up baby! Now call me by my name!"

"What 'baby'? Don't call me that! I won't call you by your name!"

"You already called me by my name! Now continue like that!"

"Stop it sir!"

"Baby! Don't play hard to get!" Rajshit eyed her playfully.

"Stop with your 'baby'!" Drishti pouted.

"You asked for it baby!" Rakshit threw Drishti onto the bed and tickled her until she had tears in her eyes.

"Stop!" She screamed.

"Not until you call me by my name!"

"Never happening!"

"I will continue till you call me by name!" Rakshit threatened.

"Please stop!" Drishti pleaded not being able to take it anymore.

"Not until you give in!"

"I give in Rakshit!" Drishti surrendered.

"Now, that was easy!" Rakshit commented and sat up next to Drishti.

"Arrogant Rakshit! Foolish idiot!" Drishti said.

"I can hear!" Rakshit said.

"I wanted you to hear!"

"Feisty, I like it!"

"Such an old dialogue!"

"I like it classy!"

"Whatever! I am hungry!" Drishti pouted.

Instead if replying, Rakshit grabbed Drishti's wrist and examined carefully.

"Why is there not even a scratch? How is it possible?"

"What?" Drishti was equally shocked.

"That's a miracle!"

"Yes! A miracle!"

"Now to satisfy your hungry tummy!" Rakshit got up and went to open the refrigerator.

He took out the sandwiches and two packed pieces of cake. He heated the sandwiches in the oven which was next to the refrigerator.

"Eat up baby!" Rakshit placed the sandwiches on the bed which did not have any sheet. The bloodied sheets were removed.

"Nice! I was so hungry!" Drishti ate up along with Rakshit.

"Thank God! If there was no food, I would have ended up in your tummy!" Rakshit teased her.

"You're right! Be thankful that there is food!" Drishti said making Rakshit choke on his sandwich.

Seeing this, Drishti laughed. They teased eachother while eating and laughed a lot.

Rakshit then took the two cakes. One was chocolate and the other was butterscotch.

"Which one do you want baby?"

"Let's eat half-half!" Drishti suggested.

"Okay! Upto you baby!"

Drishti looked up at the clock and realization dawned upon her.

"Oh my God! It's past 12!" Drishti spoke.

"Yes Ms. Obvious!"

"Hey, it's my birthday and my first one away from Divya!" A single drop of tear fell from her eye.

Rakshit wiped away that tear and hugged her.

"Happy Birthday baby! I wish you wonderful years ahead!" Rakshit wished her with sincerity.

"Thankyou Rakshit!" For a minute, they weren't teasing eachother. It was just sweet love.

"Here!" Rakshit opened the lid of chocolate cake and fed Drishti a bite with his fork. Drishti fed Rakshit too.

They fed eachother and laughed a lot.

"You sleep here!' Rakshit said moving to the couch.

"But the couch is very hard!" Drishti said.

"I can sacrifice for my baby!" Rakshit said.

"Whatever! Are you actually going to sleep?"

"I am not sure! Maybe not." Rakshit sat on the couch and realized it wasn't different from a wooden bench.

"Then come onto the bed. You won't sleep there. Let's talk here!"

Rakshit was more than happy to accept the offer. They sat together on the bed and talked about their families and hobbies.

They talked until Rakshit felt a light weight on his shoulder. Drishti had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Rakshit was tired too and slept with his head on her head. They looked like they were made for eachother. Truly, a match made in heaven.

The moonlight that came in through the window shone on the couple. They felt eternal.


Hey readers,
I love you guys so much! Thankyou very much for supporting me throughout. I really appreciate all the votes and comments I get.

I promise that I won't disappoint my dear readers!

Love you all! Stay safe!

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Jab They Met (Divya Drishti)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن