Chapter 3.

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  By now the doctors would have realized I was gone and the poor nurse who was assigned to me would probably be scared of loosing her job.

"They should have known better, where they actually expecting her to stop a puro ranked ninja like me" I huffed.

The trek to my house was a bit far and exhausting making my feet sore and the annoying people of Hi village weren't helping matters.

They did the same thing they did anytime they saw me, either they ran, gossiped or gave me dirty looks that I clearly didn't deserve.

well it wasn't something new, although it was very frustrating I still love them and lived my life to protect them.

"I had no idea why they believed in that stupid myth concerning the blood angel, it was nothing more than a fake story that ruined my life" or so I thought.

I had grown to accept the fact that I was a vessel for the demons that attacked hi, but "the blood angel, oh come on."

  On reaching my house, I opened my door with an expression of familiarity on my face towards the three figures in my sitting room.

"Tatsuo" suki 'one of my three uninvited friends' screamed in a delighted tone as she came running towards me and pulling me into a tight hug.

Suki was one of my friends, actually my only reliable female friend, she had poping brown eye with red hair which would have fallen on her shoulders if not for the thick curls and chubby cheeks which I always pulled on.

"Suki I missed you too, but you're choking me" I said between gasps. She released me an blushed in embarrassment.       

After giving her a pat on her head I ran towards Katsu and embraced him.

Katsu was my best friend, the only one who wasn't afraid of me back then at the academy, we had known each other ever since we were kids.

As a matter of fact I would have referred to him as my twin if not for the major difference between us.

While I was from the Kuro clan he was from the Shiroi, both the Kuros and the Shirois had an unbreakable bond of hatred with each other.

They never set their selfish interest and their ego aside to finally realize the havoc they were causing as sworn enemies in the village.

They even went as far as planting their seeds of hatred in their children.

Unfortunately, both the Kuros and Shiroi clan Were wiped out of existence leaving me as the survivor of the Kuro clan and Katsu with a few members.

The Shiroi clan in the process of protecting the village from the attack that took place 14 years ago and the Kuro clan for a reason known only by the Hi shujin and a few elders.

At the thought of that the memory of last time I was conscious hit me.
...............Flash back...................
I turned my head towards his direction and trailed my up his robe with every last ounce of energy I had left, and behold what I had never expected, the impossible, what I had longed for, there it was, right at the back of his robe the symbol of the Kuro clan and below it was a name Matayoshi kuro, that was the last thing I saw before everything went black.
.............Flash back ends.............
An undefined smile crept on my face, I was happy that a member of my clan was alive and could obviously tell me the truth about my past and my clan's past.

But on the other hand, unhappy because he had gone rogue and become an enemy of Hi village.

  Realizing I was still holding on to Katsu I withdrew my hands, examining his now rosy cheeks.

His eyes lit up in delight, there was something captivating about his eyes, it was not just the regular grey eyes but rather it seemed to have shifted more to the colour silver and had it's peculiar shine.

Without saying a word he untangled my bun, releasing it to a pony tail.

He had always liked my hair when it was completely loose but it was more like stress to me as it always obstructed my view anytime I was up against someone in a battle.

I moved on to Hayato knowing fully well that I'll have alot of time to talk to Katsu later today or latest tomorrow.

"No hugs" he said bluntly.

"I was not going to do that, you blue haired freak".

"That's no way to talk to someone you haven't seen for six months young lady" he fired back while pulling me and ruffling my hair.

"I'm 17 that makes me a young woman not a young lady" I said while puffing my cheeks.

"Still the same thing" he replied still in the act of ruffling my hair.

"Cut that out you two" Katsu simply said in his usual cool voice"

"Why are you guys here anyway" I asked after Hayato released his grip on me.

"The Hi shujin wants to speak with you urgently, he said it's something important" Katsu answered.

" There's no way I'm going to see that foolish old man, I'm not going" I said while trying to storm out of the room.

Before I knew it Katsu grasped my arm "yes you are" and poooof I was before the Hi shijin in his office with Hayato, suki and Katsu by my side.

"Katsu had teleported us here" I thought while giving the Hi shujin a deadly glare.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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