Chapter 2.

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  I opened my eyes as my vision blurred into focus. "Where the heck am I" I thought as I held my head which I just realized had a bandage wrapped round it.

I looked around scanning my surroundings, the room I was in was medium sized and had it's walls gleaming with fresh white paint, the bed I was lying on was tucked in with a white bedsheet, while the pillow case covering the fluffy looking pillow was evenly white.

Am I in heav..... My thought was cut short by the annoying strong scent that radiates in every hospital.

I tried to raise my body up to a sitting position but surprisingly I was too weak, mainly because I had been on the bed for a long time.

I felt a soft warm hand over my back aiding me in my adjustment.

"Now don't stress yourself" the nurse who assisted me said.

I hadn't realized when she walked in, probably because I was lost in thoughts.

"You won't be going anywhere for a week or two, until we are able to balance your E.P.R (Energy production Rate) by the way the doctor recommends that we put you on bed rest".

"It's not serious right?"

"Well it can be very dangerous, that's if we are unable to balance it, your ability to produce maximum energy would be reduced which means your energy will drop drastically, and you wouldn't want that to happen to you while you are on the battlefield right?"

She ended with a laugh and later comforting me with a warm smile.

"What's up with this crazy woman, nurses were meant to say positive things and make sure they didn't instill fear in their patients, but this one  was quite different, if I was going to die would she have told me and acted like it was no big deal?" I thought.

  "So how did I get here?" I asked breaking the silence between us.

"You were brought here unconscious by one of your comrade"

"which one?"

She seemed to have spaced out for a while like though she was thinking of the perfect description or she had even forgotten the face. "Are you okay?"

I asked breaking her out of her trance.

"Oh I'm sorry, it was a man with silver her and grey eyes" she said with excitement in her tone and a wide grin on her face.

The furious blush that appeared on her face right after she answered was starting to creep me out, I had never seen anyone so red if I hadn't known better I would have definitely confused her for a sick person and called the doctor immediately, because it looked like her head was going boom any seconds now.

Although the person she had described was very clear, there was only one person with silver hair in hi village and that was my best friend.

" I'll leave you now, the clothes he brought for you are over there" she said pointing the bag beside the bed and then finally exited the room.
I struggled to stand up managing to scramble over the walls, clearly I wasn't going to heed to the nurse's instruction,  sitting here wouldn't do me any good and by the way I had many ways of replenishing the energy that freak drained from me.

After having my having my bath and putting on the clothes katsu brought for me I wore my long black wavy hair into a bun picked up the bag and dashed out.

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