Chapter 17 - This is it

Start from the beginning

"It would look weird for someone like me to go a shady place like that." She explained as a matter of fact, which only deepened my frown, "Because you're a girl? Come on-" she interrupted me with her gracious laugh as she put a hand on my shoulder, "You have no idea who I am?" she asked incredulously, I mean the first time we facetimed her face reminded me of someone but I never knew whom. I never tried to figure out either, it was probably just a déjà vu or something. I shook my head in response. Mista, who had been silent the whole exchange, threw an arm around Trish's shoulders and ruffled her hair a bit, "She's a famous singer!" he said proudly before pulling out his phone and showing me that she was, indeed, what he said she was.

My eyes widened, I contemplated hitting my head on the wall with how oblivious I had been, but I didn't. Looking at them both, I crossed my arms across my chest, "Well?" I started, "Was anyone going to tell me she was a singer or was I supposed to find out like this, and it's super embarrassing and I feel dumb?" I said quickly before laughing joyously. They both followed and laughed along, but not without muttering small 'sorry's as they did. Taking a deep breath to calm down, we looked at each other a moment before nodding and going to our respective places. By the time our conversation was done, everyone had taken their seat.

As I sat down, I didn't have this ominous feeling nor did I feel this threatening atmosphere. It was very relaxed and almost, pleasant? It was a huge contrast with the first time we met when they had their stand out, along a knife and death glares. Everyone was chatting, maybe a bit too loudly, but it gave off a warmth, a familiarity. I didn't realize I was smiling until I felt a nudge at my side, it was Fugo, "What are you smiling about?" it was rare for us to talk together, most of the time he had Narancia next to him, and boy did he need the attention. "I just really like you guys" I told him softly, a genuine smile on my face. It earned me a bright blush coming from the blond in front of me whom turned away in an instant. Ah, did I say something wrong? I thought, waiting for him to face me again.

Once he had composed himself, he turned around and mumbled, "I think I speak for everyone when I say we like you too." Then he cleared his throat and joined a heated conversation between Narancia and Mista, Trish was in the middle, an exasperated expression on her face. Sending her and encouraging smile she chuckled, quipping in their debate from times to times. Looking down, I smiled happily before getting up and helping Bruno serve everyone their plates. "This is nice, as loud as they are, it's relaxing." I told Bruno as I joined his side, taking the plates from his hands. Looking amused he agreed, "It's like a family reunion, wouldn't you say?" he asked as he followed me to the table. I let a dry scoff leave my lips, "Definitely, I'll be the estranged cousin that is kind of awkward, though." I said jokingly, earning a scoff from Bruno. We stopped talking as we put the plates down, then went back again for the last plates.

Sitting back down, everyone thanked Bruno for the meal before digging in. It was silent for a moment, since they all had food in their mouth but that didn't last, they were fast to go back to their conversation, not minding the food in their mouth. "For fuck sake Narancia, finish what you have in mouth before fucking talking, it's gross." Abbacchio grunted. The younger black-haired man who was leaning on the table, sat back with a huff. He was fiery but it was fun to see how he reacted with Abbacchio, he respected him enough to listen to him even though he hated doing so, or at least he was begrudging. Their dynamic was very father/son like, but maybe I was wrong and they were just always like that without second thoughts. "What are you thinking about, amore?" I felt Bruno's breath on the shell of my ear and almost dropped my fork, looking at him in surprise. "Nothing, just- observing." I whispered back with a small smile, he smiled fondly in return but didn't look away. Neither did I.

We stared at each other a moment, and, fuck, his eyes were the prettiest thing I have ever seen. I could stare at them forever, unfortunately my daydream was interrupted by Mista voice "Hey you two, stop that! No flirting when we eat!". I turned my head quickly to face him, ready to tell him off but I didn't want to make a scene, I closed my mouth then threw him a death glare before angrily shoving food in my mouth. It earned me a few chuckles at the table. "Now I lost my appetite," Narancia said, pushing his plate away, I almost choked, come on we didn't do anything, I thought. I then felt Bruno's hand on my thigh, but he was looking at the energetic boy, "No you haven't, eat" the capo said with a chuckle, giving Narancia a gaze he couldn't ignore. With a pout he resumed eating.

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