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ENA WASN'T SURPRISED TO SEE HER NAME AT THE TOP OF THE LIST. She was disappointed that Midoriya hadn't managed to do any better after ruining his finger and losing his focus, but when Aizawa smiled at him with that insane look that she may or may not have taken after, she knew he would have been fine. The only person who knew Aizawa lied about the logical ruse was her and only her. Ena would forever hold this against him though, just for the sake of having blackmail to share with Yamada-sensei.

She had managed to let go of the guilt of allowing Midoriya's pain fester because she muted the voice in the back of her head that told her it wasn't very heroic of her at all. It wasn't as if Ena had chosen to enrol in UA for the sake of becoming a hero. No, that was the last thing she wanted. The only reason she was in the hero course was because of Nedzu-sensei and the fact that this was the easiest way to get a license for her to use her quirk freely.

After that... maybe she'd become a teacher in UA.

Ena clenched and unclenched her fist, her expression never changing.

She hated the hero system. She hated the way people had to wait for someone to save them when they could save themselves using their quirk. She hated the way the blame would be on the person who used their abilities in self-defence instead of whoever the perpetrator was. But ultimately, Ena absolutely despised the way the heroes always seemed to be late.

She would know.

They returned to the classroom, suddenly thrown for a loop because of the conventional methods every other teacher at UA had compared to Aizawa. When Yamada-sensei came in to teach English, and Kayama-sensei to teach Modern Hero Art History, the rest of her classmates deadpanned, feeling out of place and anti-climactic at the sudden change of pace. The only thing that seemed to put them at ease was the fact that Kayama-sensei was dropping subtle innuendoes every five minutes.

The girl had seen every student go through the same cycle for the past eight years, but their reactions never change, and it doesn't get any less amusing.

Ena left her classmates to their devices during lunch, not bothering to introduce herself further than to tell them her name when they asked. She snuck away as the rest of them made their ways to the cafeteria and didn't notice the strange look that Yaoyorozu was watching her with.

She knocked once then twice on Nedzu's door, pushing the door open silently when he answered for her to come in.

"Good morning, sensei! Who are you spying on today?" Ena clasped her fingers together in false enthusiasm.

Nedzu huffed in reply, pushing forward a glass of tea towards her while sipping his own. She picked up the cup and inhaled in the fragrance.

"Don't use that disgusting face with me. It's insulting when we both know you're not that happy," He gestured to the cameras when she made her way to his side of the table. "As you can see, I'm watching the first years interact in their new environment. Care to join me before your lunch break ends?"

The smile dropped off her face, and her eyes opened. Ena looked horribly apathetic. She didn't mind gathering more information on the people she would be with for the next three years.

She pulled a chair next to Nedzu's, drinking her tea as she studied her classmates, eyes zooming in on the screen with Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka. They were talking to Lunch Rush, and Midoriya looked like he was just about jumping in his seat from excitement.

"They're good for you, you know," Nedzu commented, his eyes not leaving the screen. "You haven't looked relaxed like that since you were seven and discovered the quirk singularity doomsday theory."

Ena froze, turning away from the screen as she brought her fingers to brush against her lips. Then, she recovered and shook off her moment of shock.

"Were you expecting me to treat them the same way I treat you?" She raised an eyebrow.

'Were you expecting them to treat me the same way you treat me?' Went unsaid but not unheard.

Nedzu snorted through his nose, not answering her question.

"Will you tell them?"

She let her hand relax, a grimace forming on her lips at the thought of everything spilling out to Midoriya and friends. That would be... too much.

"If I trust them, then, they deserve to know."

The office was swollen with a tense quiet, and neither student nor supervisor was going to fill it.




This amazing work of that scene between Midoriya and Ena in chapter 2 by ciariehearts!

And one more of her tattoo!

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And one more of her tattoo!

And one more of her tattoo!

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Thank you so much! <3

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