Chapter 9 - Samsford's Paradise

Start from the beginning

She sighs.

"Alright, let's sit down and talk this through. However, I don't want you to harm Mr. Samsford," she states as the pair return to the sofa.

The professor smiles. "Thank you, Nadia."


"This is going to work, right?" Itsuki asks with concern as Prof. Mars screws Nadia's eyes back on. She grins.

"My technology never fails me!" She declares as Nadia swivels her head around.

Professor Mars opens up her laptop. "Alright Nadia, try looking at Kohane," she instructs.

The Model Rook does as she's told, and immediately, an image of Kohane pops up on the screen in front of Itsuki and the professor.

She waves and says 'hello' and the image on the screen does the same.

"See! I told you so!" Prof. Mars laughs as she gives Itsuki a friendly nudge. He rolls his eyes.

"So, when does the first phase begin?" Saki asks, interrupting the crew. The middle-aged woman shifts her glasses seriously.

"Tomorrow," she tells them. "We'll need Nadia to stick with the CEO at all times and record everything he says. It's our only hope in protecting the facility."

Itsuki scratches his head.

"Why not tonight?" he poses with curiosity. The professor turns towards him.

"Because tonight, all the Hybrid 2000s are downloading a new software. The download won't be completed until the next morning," she tells the group. Nadia nods.

"Once that's complete, I'll put the plan into action," she announces. The professor gives her some thumbs up.

"I'm relying on you to make this work."


"Damn it! If only I knew where that serum is!" Mr. Samsford growls as he cautiously enters the main control room. He tiptoes towards the staircase, careful to not make too much sound, and gazes down at all the machinery.

"If only I can find it and destroy it before it foils my plan... However, I have an even better weapon up my sleeve!" He laughs softly but menacingly.

"Steinsby! It's your time to shine!" He declares as he takes out his Ground-Crawler from his bag and places it onto the floor.

The spider-like device comes to life and crawls down the railing of the metal staircase and towards the control devices, which are currently helping the robots download their new program. It makes some squeaking noises before inserting the USB on the end of its tail into the large machines.

The CEO begins to laugh to himself once again. "And all along, they thought I was fighting this battle to free them. Well, they're wrong! Instead, they will fight my battle and bring me my freedom from slavery! Mwahahaha!"


"Alright everyone, time for Phase 1 of our plan!" Prof. Mars cheers as the kids gather around her and watch her laptop screen.

"He's waking up!" Saki squeaks as a very drowsy-looking Mr. Samsford yawns and approaches Nadia.

"Good morning Nadia, how was your sleep? Have you finished downloading that software yet?" he poses.

Nadia flutters open her eyes.

"Almost, Master. Almost," she states wearily.

He grins evilly.

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