Chapter 29: Just You

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“Oh boy I can’t wait for vacation!!!” Mina shouted in the classroom after we took a test for english with Present Loudass Mic, everyone else was getting excited to finally go home after such a long year, I hope Bakugo can pass his exam this week so we can go home together, it’s been so long since I’ve seen Mitsuki and Masaru, I wonder how have they been. The final semester will begin a few days after new years then after that we become second years. This year is ending so fast, after everything that’s happened it still seems like it was just yesterday.

“Hey Y/n are you even listening?” Uraraka broke me out of my thoughts feeling her hand on my shoulder, “Hm? No sorry,” I apologized, she gave me a smile and looked around the group of students gathered around my table. Holy shit why is everyone gathered at my desk like that, I’m being surrounded.

“Y/n we’re planning on throwing a small christmas party in the dorms on Christmas Eve during break we plan on bringing our families here so we can celebrate together,” Uraraka filled me in on it, unfortunately since Bakugo and Todoroki weren’t here because of extra classes and since they have to retake their exam on friday so they would barely know about this party so I’ll just have to fill them in on it when they’re done with their extra classes. I nodded after getting things to do to help out.

Later that school day I was given a list of things to get from the store.

-Wrapping paper


-presents for other classmates



-party streamers


-board games

-truth or dare cards

Well seems easy enough, I got my bag from my desk and headed into town hoping I wouldn't accidentally bump into any of my classmates who are also doing christmas shopping. NO PEEKING was the biggest rule for us and we cannot break it!! It was fun shopping for gifts for my classmates. I knew almost everything they’d like for christmas.

After a while of shopping I carried the heavy bags with gifts and began walking to the dorm, I finally returned exhausted and saw the others setting up decorations. Some of them were up in their rooms wrapping and labeling gifts and some were bringing in a christmas tree. I smiled and carried the gifts into me and Bakugo’s room and began wrapping everything I bought and began labeling the gifts. Then I thought about Bakugo, what does he want for christmas?

I began thinking really hard as I finished wrapping the gifts, I know Bakugo isn’t the type to accept gifts like that but...I want to get him one or maybe I should make him one? What should I do? As I thought about it I helped Mina and the others put gifts under the tree and decorate the tree. 

We put up christmas lights around the dorms and small signs that like up saying merry christmas, Mina said she’d hide some mistletoe somewhere around the dorms and she ran off with all of them. I sighed and let Mina have her fun.

“She’s so energetic about this,” I commented and let out a small giggle, “That’s our Mina, what are we gonna do with her?” us girls laughed at Mom’s comment, she had such enthusiasm and it was fun. Setting this up was so much fun, to me I feel like everyone here, class 1A is my family and it gave me such a warm hearted feeling I could never forget. 

Bakugo and Todoroki finally came back late that day, both seemed very tired and worn out, I giggled and both Midoriya and I greeted the both of them. Oh my god they were exhausted and it pissed Bakugo off when the rest of the class greeted him. “Okay Katsuki I think you should go to bed,” I giggled as he leaned on me for support and softly snored on my shoulder. I heard him groan in response and stood back up taking me by the hand and brought me with him up to our room.

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