Chapter 1

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My name is Peeta Mellark. I am in District 13. I won the 74 hunger games with my tribute and love, Katniss Mason. Or as you my know her Katniss Everdeen. I was rescued from the 75 hunger games by Haymitch Abernathy (my mentor) and Plutarch Heavensbee (the Game Maker) along with Finnick Odair, Beetee, and Johanna Mason, Katniss' sister. They couldn't get to Katniss in time and now she's stuck in a living hell and I'm stuck here.


My eyes start to flutter open, where am I? I think to myself. I feel like I'm on a mettle table, there's a pinching sensation in my arm, an oxygen mask on my face, and I have a headache. My eyes start to adjust to the light and i lean my head up to see Beetee with his arm patched up with an oxyen mask on his face and next to him is Johanna looking the same. I look around and see that we are on a hovercraft ......holy shit! Were on a hovercraft the Capital got us! I look around the room and see that Katniss isn't here thank God. Lets hope she didn't get caught, I hope she will be okay but right now i need to look for a way to get Johanna and i out of here. I take the mask off, get up and look around for something to use as a weapon. I pick up a syringe and walk out of the room quietly until I reach a door and here voices.

"There going to freak when they figure it out." says a voice. I think its Plutarch.

"Why don't we just tell them when we get there?" says Finnick. What is Finnick doing working with the Capital?

"Peeta won't wait that long without asking questions, Johanna might wait till we get there but I doubt it. Johanna is obviously going to try to kill someone when she finds out and I dont know about Peeta. I have only seen him angry once and you couldn't even call him angry he was just irritated, hell knows what going to happen when we tell him..." Haymitch is saying but then gets cut off by the door I'm staying behind opening.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask Haymitch through gritted teeth.

"Well look who's up." he says

"What are you doing here?" I ask again raising my voice with my anger and confusion growing every second.

"Where on our way to District 13." Plutarch says simply

"District 13?" I question.

"Yes, District 13" he says

"There is no District 13." i say

"Look Peeta I am going to talk and you are not going to interrupt until i am done, got it?" Haymitch questions.

I can tell its important by how he called me Peeta instead of one of his nicknames for me so I nod

"Good. We had a plan more than half of the victors where in on it." he begins. "Once Snow announced the quell we decided we weren't going to let all of the victors fight to the death an have the hunger games continue, Beetee was so-post to blow up the force field and destroy the arena so we could get in but then things got complicated you all separated and the other victors started coming into the picture. In the end Katniss blew up the force field and Finnick took out your tracker." he says

"I went looking for Johanna, Beetee, and Katniss after you passed out from blood loss and hid you. Eventually, I found Johanna and Beetee told Haymitch where you all were and here we are now." he says

I look at Haymitch and ask a question i am pretty sure i don't want the answer too but that i have to have the answer too.

"Wheres Katniss?" I ask surprised by how calm my voice is.

He just looks at the square table and doesn't answer.

Please no, I beg

"Haymich where is Katniss?" I ask again, well yell.

He sighs, "she still has her tracker, she's in the capital. They got her."

That's when I lost all composure. I started hitting, punching, and clawing Haymitch doing anything i could do to hurt him. Then I felt a poke and started to get tired after about 30 seconds I give up fighting and start to fall to the ground and Haymitch grabs my arms to make sure I don't hit my head.

"Katniss." I say

"Katniss!" I yell

I fell the darkness taking over

"You did this." I say looking at Haymitch.

"You did this." I say again and start to cry.

"" I try to say as the darkness comes.


'I will make sure you get to see us again.' i think meaning Johanna and me. 'I love you more than anything' and with that thought drift off to darkness.

HI, I hope you like it im sorry if things are spelled incorrectly. Comment and follow :) :D i DONT OWN THE HUNGER GAMES SUZANNA COLLINS DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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