Katniss pov

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They have not come to get me for at least 2 weeks. I think they are trying to see if I go insane which may be what has happened. They don't let me out. I scream but I don't think they can even hear me.

I don't know where I am.

I was in my cell sitting completely still because if I were to move it would hurt me so much I would scream. That is when I heard foot steps, big and heavy footsteps. 'Peacekeepers' was all I could think of. When they got to my cell I was scared as hell but I didn't let it show. I kept a blank expression on my face waiting for them to roughly pick me up and for me to scream but that's not what happened. The two men carefully picked me up so I could walk, soon when they found out that I couldn't one if the peacekeepers put his hand on my backgently bent down to grab my legs and carefully picked me up.

This confused me. Why where they being so gentle? Why didn't they pick me up and drag me there so I would get burns in my feet? I hadn't the silitest clue.

When we started to walk the away way from my cell I tried to focus and to see if I could see anything that looked familiar to me but after a a while of walking and me just seeing blobs everywhere I gave up and closed my eyes.

And that is how I got here. A room with plain white walls. Plain wight sheets and a plain white door. There is really anything else to describe. The room has nothing it exept a bed and a clock so there isn't much to do. Sometimes I will do a workout and by that I mean do push ups, sit ups, or just run around the room just to try to keep myself sane.

I hate being in this room. I feel like I have no purpose, that they just locked me up in here because they do not need me but that it would be a waste of time to torture or kill me. The only reason I haven't gone completely off the edge yet is because of Peeta. When I start to loose hope I think of him. My boy with the bread. I wonder what he is doing right now. Is he alive? Does he miss me? Does he know I miss him? Does he know that I love him?

I am brought out of my thoughts when the door opens. Snow.

"Hello Ms. Everdeen." He says.

I look up at him and say,

"It's Mellark."

Long time no see!

Truth be told I wasn't planing on updating today but I am going with my family to pick up my grandmother from the airport at 11 and I am going to California on Friday so I thought I should update because I will be busy for a lot of the rest of the summer.

Dont you love the pic!?

I finally got my book reports done!

Anyways thanks for reading please vote! Love you all!


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