Chapter 28: Provisional Licensing Exam!! Part 2

Start from the beginning

I hugged him from behind which startled him a little but his tense body soon relaxed a bit, “I didn’t pass..” he mumbled in disappointment and he sighed holding my hands in his as I hugged him from behind. “Idiot, you did pass but your temper and ego is what made you fail,” I giggled and pulled away from him, Bakugo didn’t say anything, he only turned to me with a small smile on his face.

He placed his hand on my head and patted my head, “I’m proud of you Teddy Bear, you showed those bastards who you really are, you will become a hero whether they like it or not.” His words gave me a boost of confidence, he believed in me and he was proud, my father wouldn’t say something like that to me but it made me happy hearing it from Bakugo. I lightly punched his shoulder, “You still have to pass the exam if you want to become the number one hero Katsuki,” I looked down at the ground then smiled resting my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around him.

“You're already my number one hero,” I spoke softly, I could hear his heartbeat quicken and his arms embraced me tightly not wanting to let go. “Thank you,” was what he said before we pulled away and shared a kiss, we began heading back to the bus where the rest of the class and Mr Aizawa were waiting for us.

“Bakugo, you and Todoroki will have to make up your work to earn your license, there will be separate classes for the both of you then a test by the end of next week. You must work hard, winter is coming and I'm sure you would want to be home with your family to celebrate christmas on your two week break from school.” Aizawa explained and boarded the bus, Bakugo and I followed and went to our seat near the window at the back of the bus. And everyone began talking about going home on their Christmas break to celebrate with their families.

Christmas huh? I laid my head back against the seat, I haven’t celebrated that since I was 7 after mom...It would be great to be with her now. Everyone else has a family to spend time with while I...had no one left in my family to care for me. I realised now how lonely I was, I let out a sigh which immediately caught Bakugo’s attention.

“Oi what wrong?” he put his hand on mine, I shrugged and looked out the window as the bus began to pull out of the huge parking lot. I felt Bakugo wrap his arm around me and brought me closer to him and he cuddled me. “Come on tell me, and don’t tell me it’s nothing because that's bullshit and I can tell when something’s bothering you. You get really quiet when you're upset about something then you stare off into space like you have a lot on your mind, so tell me what’s troubling you.” I snuggled into Bakugo’s arms trying to hide my distress but I knew it wouldn’t work at all.

“Katsuki, are you going home to your family on christmas break?” I asked, holding his hand and played with his fingers. “Yeah the old hag wants me home for this christmas shit, why are you…...oh…” Bakugo realized why I asked him. I would be the only one in the dorms during break, by myself for those two weeks because I don’t have a family to come home to. 

Mom...Tears uncontrollably ran down my face and I couldn’t stop it, it got so bad I began sobbing and tried not to get anyone else’s attention. “I wish mom was still alive,” I sobbed, Bakugo was trying  his best but all he could do now was comfort me. “We could set up decorations...decorate the christmas tree and eat cake late at night while my father was at work and do stupid stuff. When I realise this now, I realize how much I’m really alone.”

Bakugo gripped me in his arms tighter and felt his hands hold mine tightly, “Y/n..” he paused then leaned his head against mine, “If you want, you can spend christmas with me and my family.”

“Look, you're already part of the family and they love you like family. What I’m trying to say don’t have to be alone when there is already a family waiting for you to come home. They’re not your real parents but that’s okay because your part of that family, your part of my family.” Bakugo wiped my tears off of my face and I snuggled closer letting the strands of hair fall in front of my face, I began playing with his fingers again and nodded telling him ‘okay’. “Thanks Katsuki,” I replied, he cuddled me and comforted me.

“Like hell I’m gonna leave you alone in the dorms for 2 weeks, your coming home with me,” I smiled at his reply, “You're going soft Katsuki,” I teased, poking his nose, “Yeah so what? Your becoming an asshole,” he pouted looking away from me, I did an exaggerated gasp putting my hand on my chest, “Katsuki Bakugo getting soft, oh my god,” I giggled then he pinched my cheeks. “Oi stoooop it” I whined, he let go of my cheeks and I rubbed them and giggled. “Soft boi Katsuki.”

“Hey Y/n what are you going to do on vacation?” Kirishima asked, poking his head out from his seat, “I’m spending it with Katsuki and his parents,” I replied and the girls squealed in excitement, “OOH you guys are like a married couple!” Mian exclaimed, jumping in her seat. I felt Bakugo tense up and Kirishima was in a small panic mode.

“Are you alright guys?” I asked, they both looked at me and nodded. “Yo bro you still have it right?” Kirishima whispered to Bakugo and he nodded and Kirishima gave him a thumbs up.

Alright you two, what are you guys hiding?

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