Epilouge: Betting on Belief

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"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" The cat demon snapped, sending smoke everywhere as he glared back at the Radio Demon who had begun watching the small piglet continue to root around before eventually finding a spot to do his business.

"Well, let me put it this way. If I were to picture you married old friend, this would be as close as it gets." Alastor replied brightly walking over to the stunned looking tall cat demon, taking the roll of bags off him and ripping off one before handing it back. Husk merely stared at the demon who he owed his life to as he easily cleared the mess and made the small tied bag vanish into what could only be presumed to be the trash.

"We aren't getting married! Not now or ever!" Husk almost choked on his last toke of the cigarette, coughing up the smoke and flicking the butt away. His frown then turned downwards as Fat Nuggets wound himself with happy grunting in between his legs once more, keen to be cuddled into his legs once more.

"He seems very taken with you." Alastor commented biting his lip in some amusement, trying not to laugh as the small pig was sat cuddled into Husk's leg, nuzzling his head happily into him.

"Yeh, lucky fucking me. Just send him back to Angel's room, if he isn't in the lobby when we get there we're leaving without him." The demon cat responded gruffly and the Radio Demon's smile twisted as his head tilted then the small piglet gave a squeak of surprise, vanishing out along with his lead and roll of bags...

....Angel Dust had been waiting for the pair and grinned when they walked towards him and stood up.

"Hey guys, ready t'go? I'm assumin' Fat Nuggets is back in my room." He said in a bright voice enjoying the fact that both the Radio Demon and his boyfriend stopped dead in their tracks staring at him in his drag outfit. His had on a shoulder length wig that perfectly matched his light pink fur colour and curled in at the ends. He was wearing tight deep maroon coloured dress he had pulled out of his closet earlier and his make up was minimal but highlighted his naturally feminine features.

"Angel, don't you look.. enchanting." Alastor said as his smile widened as he recovered quickly from his shock, not expecting the spider demon to be dressed in woman's clothes but hardly going to complain about it as it was none of his business what he wore.

"Thanks Al." Angel replied as he hooked both arms through the tall cat demon's white upper arm and turned to his boyfriend grinning. Unlike the Radio Demon Husk was still staring in complete disbelief at the sight of his partner wearing drag, it wouldn't be hard to mistake him for an actual woman due to his seemingly natural female figure as this dress was tight enough for him to create his 'bust'. "So, whatta ya think, mi amore?" Angel's soft voice brought Husk out of his staring blinking, hardly missing the hint of nervousness creeping in the edge of it. Those pink eyes seemed to now be searching his face for some hint of approval, as if this outfit had been chosen with him in mind.

"Hmh. Anything to wear a dress, huh?" A slightly crooked smirk twisted Husk's lips, flashing a little of those yellow sharp teeth leering at his boyfriend.

"Don't worry, ya can rip it off me later.." The pale pink spider demon purred in a low flirty manner, completely ignoring the Radio Demon on his other side who was starting at the two look somewhat uncomfortable.

"I'll hold you to it.." Husk's voice crooned back with a deep throaty chuckle, moving to kiss his effeminate boyfriend dressed in drag.

"Oh honestly, you two. Show some restraint!" Alastor's frown of disapproval stopped the couple before their lips could touch, both Husk and Angel sighed with matching looks of disdain. "We haven't even arrived at the tables and your already pawing each other like lecherous beasts.."

Game On!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora