Chapter 11 (Final)

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Jiang Wanyin was the first person to arrive in Lanling. He maneuvered through the halls and invited himself into the throne room. It was decorated well with lanterns and tables for all of the sect leaders that will be attending for the conference. He internally preened, his nephew had done a great job organizing the conference, already he could see that the servants knew what they were doing. Offering him a table to sit and telling him of his quarters by the west pavilion. He dismissed these servants and opted to walk himself out of the room and into the garden. The smell of peonies hit him like a brick (and not a good one) the very same sweet scent that he shared in the time when his sister was still alive, it was a nostalgia feeling he didn't expect would hurt. Jiang Cheng's mind once again started to reel him inside the darker parts into the darker parts when a familiar voice called out to him.

"It's good to see you again Sect Leader Jiang" he turned around to see his nephew, all brooding and proud with his fancy golden robes and his head held high. Jiang Cheng had never seen such confidence in someone (well, apart from his peacock of a father of course) "Drop the formalities" he quipped, voice tight yet calulated.

JinLing smirked and chuckled under his breath. "Of course JiuJiu. What do you think of the throne room? I believe i already set up your table" JinLing commented, he sauntered over to his uncle and stood beside him before he continued "Don't worry, I made sure you are seated next to Head Cultivator Nie" Jiang Cheng's eyebrow rose high at the teasing comment. He swore his nephew had begun his rebel phase (as if he hadn't started rebelling at the age of 15 already, and that was 3 years ago).

Jiang Cheng smirked inwardly.

"It better be, any more than a meter away from Huaisang is unacceptable" JinLing's eye widened at the statement, catching him way off guard, he gawked at his uncle as if he had grown two heads.

'did he just..... EW' He curled in on himself. What has he done?!

"Eeh.. Y-yes.. Of course" he stuttered and retreated his hand to rest behind his back. Composure is everything and right now he didn't know how long he could hold it up if his uncle's behavior continued on.

"And i presume instead of two rooms you have given us both just one? I do need some alone time with him given the fact that i haven't seen him in two weeks you know" Jiang Cheng continued, he cackled in his head upon seeing the horror in JinLing's eyes.

'hpm, serves you right, don't get cheeky with me' he thought.

JinLing visibly recoiled as if he had ingested poison. "Jiujiu, i'm happy that you have resolved your marital problems with Head Cultivator Nie, but i did not need to know about your INTERNAL affairs" He moaned in annoyance, how did his uncle become this shameless? He didn't need another Wei Wuxian. Or worse, a new Jiang Wanyin that MAY even surpass Wei Wuxian's shamelessness, he couldn't take it.

"Oh i can assure you we have plenty of internal affairs" Jiang Cheng cast his eyes towards the horizon and smirked, he could hear his nephew slightly gag and excuse himself without being dismissed. Wanyin had a triumphant smile when another voice, this time a softer one, made his knees weak and Zidian spark in excitement.

"You scared the poor boy away A-Cheng. Probably traumatized him" he whirled around and saw the face he had been wanting to kiss for the last two weeks that they hadn't seen each other. After what happened in the Northern Qinghe forest 4 months ago the two were almost inseparable. Always opting to see each other every other week, letters and presents were sent back and forth and often times Jiang Cheng went on night hunts near the Unclean realm as opposed to near Lanling (where there are also a few rogue walking corpses as well).
Today, Jiang Cheng relished in the beauty before him. If there was one thing for sure it was that he was going to cherish these three days of being with his husband.

"He was testing me, of course i couldn't back down" he held out his hand to which Huaisang accepted with a smile. He raised the soft calloused free hand to his lips and placed a gentle and feathery kiss on top of it.


Huaisang smiled and moved closer to rest his head on Jiang Cheng's shoulder. "Hello Zhàngfū" he replied with a tender voice laced with love and happiness. Jiang Cheng buried his face on the smaller male's hair, noticing the faint smell of sandalwood, roses and... Ink. Again.

"You've been painting" he said in an monotone tone. What else did he expect? Though now he was curious as to what his husband was up to. What kind of pretty scenery did he manage to bring to life this time? What world did he imprint in his paper? Whose face did he spent hours upon hours of effort on?

"Mhn, i can't help it. Besides, after dealing with some affairs with the Ouyang clan 5 days ago i deserved a break from their stupidity don't I?" Huaisang pouted and buried his face deeper into Jiang Cheng's chest. The smaller man could feel the vibration from Wanyins chest as he scoffed, a gentle hand came to rest on his waist, pulling him closer.

" Yes, yes. A-Sang is to smart for everyone else I get it" he humored. Huaisang sighed in content, he gazed at the horizon as there hands intertwined with one another. "I wish i could visit you often" he breathed.

Jiang Cheng chuckled lightheartedly.
"And have you distracting me the whole day? Not a chance" Jiang Cheng humoured. Huaisang lightly slapped his husband's chest with his fan, the jade tassle clinked in the process.

"But you would like that would you?" he asked cheekily.

Jiang Cheng huffed, yet his eyes met his husbands when he said.

"Yes... Yes i would"


As the sun slowly sank in the horizon, Jiang Cheng retired to his temporary quarters with Huaisang in tow. The shorter male looked exhausted at having to deal with the idiots who call themselves sect leaders, and with the Meihu clan incident his husband had to assess the situation and if they should really abandon a partnership with a promising clan. In the end it seemed as if every sect leader was on his side, deciding to cut off their ties with the Meihu clan as well. A threat to the head cultivators life was always an enemy to everyone, specially to the Yunmeng Jiang Clan.

Jiang Cheng tugged his partner in the bathroom. He offered a small peck on Huaisang's face before they stripped off their clothes and soaled inside the tub that was (surprisingly) big enough for the two of them.

Huaisang leaned back to his husband's chest as Jiang Cheng slowly and gently rubbed at his smooth arms.

"Zhàngfū, i can wash myself you know" Huisang let out a breathy chuckle, Jiang Cheng only nuzzled his face on top of the other mans hair and continued. "But i want to do it" he reasoned. And how could he say no to that?

After bathing, Jiang Cheng dressed himself in his inner robes as Huaisang pulled and tugged softly his hair. He sat behind Jiang Cheng and ran his fingers through the long black treses, untangling any knots and applying oils that helped in maintaning his hair.

Jiang Cheng hummed in approval, he sat patiently and let his spouse spoil and fuss over him. Huaisang always looked adorable when he does what he wants to do.
After their night routine Jiang Cheng sighed in content at the feeling of Huaisang's head on his chest.
The steady breathing of the other man slowly lulled him to sleep, at the brink of crossing the realm of sleep he heard his husband speak softly.

"A-cheng, are you.. Still considering in answering any marriage proposals?" the question came out sounding unsure and shaky, as if Huaisang had already anticipated what's to come. The silence stretched on until Jiang Cheng moved to kiss his husband's hair. He suddenly remembered what Wei Wuxian once told him, at first he didn't understand, but now he could see why his brother said that.

"I already have a beautiful Lotus. Why should i bring in another flower?"

~The End~

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