Chapter 8

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Jiang Wanyin was not one for backing out in a fight, he was known as the fearless Sandu Sengshou. A very respectable Sect leader who brought his own Sect out from the ashes and had raised his nephew at such a young age. He was a hero, a warrior known for his participation in the sunshot campaign and fighting alongside the strongest cultivators of all. Despite all of these facts Jiang Cheng couldn't help but keep himself from telling his husband to stop this plan of his. To back out and persuade him that there is another way to capture the culprit. It was too dangerous even for Huaisang, and there was no guarantee it would all end up as he had planned.
The man clad in purple stood beside his husband overlooking the training area, today there were no disciples training, instead they could be seen running left and right, back and forth to get ready for a journey up north where they would need to fix whatever ward and properties that had been disturbed there.

Huaisang wore his less grandeur robes and settled for a simple grey and olive ones that made him look ready to fight, tied on his belt was a bamboo flute and his fan, he was also surprised when he realized that Huaisang carried his sword today, though he still didn't know if it was only for show but at least he had a weapon for himself. But that didn't mean that it put Jiang cheng at ease at the thought of what they are about to do. He refused to stay behind in Qinghe while Huaisang would go and take matters into his own hands, he couldn't let his husband march to his death. Just thinking about it made Jiang Cheng's inside churn and his qi burn with rage, he would never be able to forgive himself if something were to happen to his Huaisang.

"A-Cheng, you're overthinking again" Huaisang's soft voice snapped him out of his thoughts, he looked over at his husband with a scoff (sometimes he hated how easy Huaisang could read him) "could you really blame me?" was his only answer. Huaisang offered a small smile and took Jiang Cheng's hand in his, his heart fluttered at the contact.

"Zhàngfū, i promised you that i would be by your side for a lifetime hadn't I? I'm not about to take that back now" Huaisang smirked, patting his husband's hand in reassurance.

"I know it's a little daunting A-Cheng but you just have to trust me on this" Jiang Cheng only scoffed in reply, he didn't want to admit that his husband had successfully let him surrender to his plans no matter how absurd it sounded. 

Zhongqui approached the two and gave a respectful bow "Master Nie, we are all ready for the journey. Shall i call for the head disciple now?" he asked. "Thank you, Zhongqui. Yes please tell him that the matters that need to be addressed today are in his quarters, we have to depart now if we want to get there by nightfall" Huaisang snapped his fan open and fluttered it just above his jaw.

"At once Master Nie" The taller man left with a swish of his robes.

Jiang Cheng was quiet as he observed his surroundings, his eyes swept from person to person walking to and fro, the horses had already been stationed by the gate waiting for them and his men were on standby. The Jiang sect Leader's retinue also stood behind him, he refused to leave without giving his part of the fight. everything passed by in a blur as he was led towards the gate where he was given a lovely brown horse, he patted it's nose and looked over to his husband who mounted his own white one, he looked..strong, ready to fight and confident. Jiang Cheng had to pause and admire this side of Huaisang. A side that only a few got to see, his exterior mask that he wore for decades had been engraved so much in the cultivation world that no matter how many noble deeds he would do there would always be a small population that saw Huaisang as The Headshaker. He watched his husband's normally soft features turn hard, his fan that once looked like a trinket seem to gleam with pride.  A staple part of him indeed.

Jiang Cheng had to walk over to Huaisang, looking up and meeting his eyes.

"Zhàngfū ?" Huaisang asked, his head cocked slightly to the side in confusion. Jiang Cheng took one of his husband's hand and kissed it softly, Huaisang gasped but didn't dare pull away.

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