⸙. sana

39 0 0

don't listen, sweet talker
don't be deceived, sweet talker

. . . . .

"you're so cute"

"i'll always be there"

"did anyone ever tell you, you look stunning"

"i love everything about you"

"you're just being deceived sana, snap out of it"

i snapped back to the present as i heard momo talk while munching her grilled cheese rather angrily.

i rolled my eyes at her. thought for a moment and decided to tease her a little. here i come momo-chan.

"shut up, you're just jelly because i got complemented by my crush and you didn't even get a text from your boyfriend" what came out of my mouth sounded more different than i expected but it was too late to retract that.

i stuck my tongue out at her teasingly but i guess she didn't get it.

she finished the sandwich and grabbed the soda on her right. she didn't say anything for a moment until she stood surprising all eight of us.

"just wait, you'll see" she murmured under her breath, her eyes carried no emotions what so ever. she finished eating and carried her tray to the trashbin and left the canteen.

chaeyoung just shakes her head at me, looking disappointed but finished it as she talked to dahyun. i felt guilty a little.

i never meant to hurt her but it's too late to retract the words. i know she's been through some stuff lately with heechul.


i opened my phone to see a text notification from no other than him. i was thrillled, even mina who was at my right was surprised.

mister sweet talker
look to your right

i quickly looked to my right. i saw him looking at me with those eyes of his that made girls swoon. i smiled back at him. i heard a another bell sound from my phone. he texted me again.

mister sweet talker
just looking at your pretty
face makes my day

oh stop it

i blushed at this. it's so simple yet so sweet. he didn't reply after that because he had already left with his friends.

we finished eating same time as the bell rang. i threw the tray and skipped happily to my locker. i excitedly picked my biology book and headed to my next class.

we had the same class this morning and when our eyes met, he smiled at me. i was in aw with his smile, he looked so perfect. well, isn't the quarterback suppose to be perfect? well my crush is.

he said i looked pretty today. he practically says it everyday but i won't get tired of it. at first, i felt unsure of him and his sweet talks. sure they were sweet but i bet he says it to every girl. i try not to listen, try not to get deceived by the school's sweet talker who i am dating right now.

i finally asked him about it and he says that i was the only girl he ever compliments besides his mom. i believed it but my friends told me to not let my guard down.

i don't exactly know him, but i'm sure he's honest and maybe he me because i was different from his past girls, maybe.

class ender early because the teachers had a meeting which means i get to lay in bed early and also i get to see him early.

just as i was about to head out of the room to meet with the girls, i saw him. he was leaning over the lockers tapping his phone infront of the restrooms.

specifically, the ladies room.

he was probably waiting for jb and the others but i was soon proven wrong when a girl came out of the ladies room with a smile on her face. he smiled also

he embraced her in a tight hug and kissed her forehead. they look like a lovely couple. except for the guy already has another girlfriend.

she looked familiar, i think it's the transfer student from australia. the girl who has no idea the guy she's hugging has a freaking girlfriend.

out of curiosity, i came closer to them hiding for i don't even know why. i heard him say stuff to her. stuff that i thought only to me was said.

"sorry, i took too long" the girl apologized

"no worries, you look beautiful even without make up" he replied

it stung my heart. i didn't know what to feel. so momo was right all along, that i was being deceived. deceived by some sweet talk from a guy who everyone knows is a flirt.

i let my guard down. i thought i was gonna have a happy ending like those women in movies. but i thought too soon.

now i know what kind of person he is. a guy who flirts with random women, those women probably thought that they were actually liked by him but was left heartbroken. i'm one of them.

as i peaked to see if they were still there, but they weren't.

i sighted, trying to stop the tears that were about to flow. as i finally cleared my thoughts, i texted him seeing that i'm of no use now since he already found one and by tomorrow probably he was going to say that we're through.

might as well go ahead before him.

it's over
we are.

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