⸙. jeongyeon

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i wanna walk with you
on our love line
with our hands held
tell me you feel the same way

. . . . .

"just confess to him already, you can't just watch him from afar and don't do anything!"

what nayeon said when we had a conversation last night kept lingering in my mind. should i confess or nah. as i was deep in my thoughts, i didn't notice momo tapping my shoulder.


"you seem to be in deep thoughts, what's on your mind" she said tilting her head.

"stuff you wouldn't understand" i replied opening my locker and getting the needed books for our next class which is english that i do not like by the way.

she didn't say anything after that and we headed off. i was a little hungry since i skipped my breakfast for like 3 days. school has been making me busy with all the assignments and projects and after two more weeks is the final exam so i have to study. "can we grab a bite to eat? there's still 20 minutes till the bell ring."

"i'm not in the mood to eat right now... i'll just follow you." momo declining an invite to go eat is definitely weird. she's been skipping lunch lately and if not, she just drinks water or eat just about a bowl of salad.

"you've been checking your phone since we got to school, is it broken or something?" i asked, she just laughed emotionless and went back to locking her eyes on her phone.

shrugging it off as well we entered the cafeteria. what caught my attention is the sweet smell of grilled cheese sandwich that i've been craving all week since they announced that it was gonna be served.

when i walked to the stanned, a rather familiar figure came into view and as soon as we were meters apart, i could tell it was him. i froze in place when he turned arround with a can of soda in hand and our eyes met. it felt like the whole world stopped when i saw him and i soon forgot what i came here for. they were right, he has eyes that could hypnotize any woman who looked directly at them.

i couldn't utter a word so he went on ahead. "uhm- are you okay?" i didn't notice him coming towards me and i was released from my frozen state and finally replied.

"uh- yeah yeah i'm good" i said and pulled out an awkward laughter scratching the back of my head. what i thought turned to silence had broken when he said something.

"aren't you jeongyeon?"

oh frog, he knows your name jeongyeon. oh my god!

i was freaking out on the inside just because he knows my name and not realizing that i haven't answered his question. "y-yeah, i am... how'd you know?"

"eyyy," he paused to drink on the can of coke and boy did he look hot. everyone would agree with that the sun has just lost it's job. he finished the entire can and threw it on the trash.

by the looks of it, he forgot what he was going to say when he stood there infront of me with an unknowing look so i went ahead and reminded. "... and then?"

"hm? then what?"

wow, this guy. dory, i never knew you had a cousin on land.

"you were about to explain on how you knew my name" i spoke calmly like i'm talking to a kindergartener. he furrowed his eyebrows and then just realised it and i just sigh on how cute he looked.

"silly me," he paused just so he could laugh at how forgetful he is "i tend to forget some stuff when i finish drinking a can of coke"

that kind of thing, i never heard of but it makes him look cute so what the heck.

"what i was going to say it that i knew your name because we had that group project to work on the first semester. i didn't really know anyone at that time since i was a transfer student." he remembered such a thing, even i don't remember it.

"it was you, me, tzuyu, nayeon, and seungcheol. i became friends with cheol after that"

he forgets stuff but remembers that moment, how precious can he get? when i was about to say something, the bell rang informing us that it was time to get to class. i mentally facepalmed myself when i forgot to get a bite to eat but then again, i lost my appetite when i saw him.

"i have to go now-" i didn't get to finish what i said when he interrupted me.

"your first class is english right?" i nodded, how could he even know that.

"how did you-" i was stopped again by his reply. "we're in the same class how could you not know, jeongyeon"

my heart skipped a beat when he held my hand gesturing his head for us to go now and i just nodded. seeing that momo has already left me, i didn't pull away from his grasp.

pinch me, i must me be dreaming.

i came to a halt when i remembered something from last night.

'confess to him already'

he noticed me stopping and asked me if somethings wrong. i replied to him but not to answer his question. "can we talk after this?"

"oh sure... but what about?"

"just wait till later" i said in confidence and gestured him to go. he wore a confused face but replaced it with an excited one when i said we were gonna run, that makes one of us.

today is the day.

the final bell rang, and it was time to go home. some felt relief while i felt nervous. i'm gonna confess later, i was gonna confess to the guy i like for goodness sake.

i walked to the back door where it was faster to get to the garden. when i opened the door, i was welcomed with a warm breeze. it was hot as hell at lunch so i was refreshed.

i waited on a bench near the flowers. despite it being summer, it felt like spring. i picked one up and it smells good.

suddenly, i felt a hot air blowing to my ear. i backed away thinking it was a creep but it was him. "you scared the crap out of me!"

"oh did i? sorry about that" then he let out a chuckle, this guy really. i rolled my eyes and he came closer. well not too close.

i forgot what i came here for when i saw him picking up a flower from the ground.

"get yourself together, jeongyeon" i muttered to myself thinking he wouldn't hear but he did and just chuckled.

"so what do you wanna talk about?"

"o-oh yeah..."

i never thought this through. what if he rejects me, i can't face him ever again but... what if he also likes me, whatever jeongyeon just say it so it'll be out of your chest for good.

"i-i l-like you..." the way i said his name sounded like a whisper. i looked at my shoes hiding my heated up face. i didn't know how he reacted, i was having too many thoughts.

when i saw his shoes were close to mine, i looked up and we were just inches away. i felt a dozen of butterflies in my stomach.

"what was that?" he asked slightly lifting up the sides of his lips. did he not hear me? gathering up all the courage that i had and confessed, not just saying i like him but everything as well.

"i-i said... i like you, i think about you all day, i try to act cool but i can't hide my heart, i think i love you. your scent, your gestures. i like them all" i paused for a moment looking at him "so please know my heart"

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