Chapter 8

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"I can't believe you got suspended for something so Stupid." My dad said.

I didn't say anything.

I wasn't ashamed of it. I'm actually glad I did that. And I don't care if it got me suspended or in detention because at least Daniel now knows the truth.

"Let her. She's a teenager." My mom said.

• • •

2 weeks have passed since I did the trap. And it's December 23rd.

And Daniel hasn't talked to me or messaged me. I don't think I messed up, but sometimes I think I did really mess up.

Every day I kept checking my phone if I got a message or not.


"Daniel hasn't communicated with you yet?" Jessica asked.

"No. 😒 And I don't know if I should call him or not. "

"Nah. Leave him. Let him call you."

2 more days for Christmas. And all I want is Daniel to be mine. Not Karla's. Well it's not Karla's no more. But still.

"Crystal?" Ugh it was Kaylee.


"Don't tell mom, but what did you get me?" Kaylee asked.

I got her a princess bag and a Frozen Palace. But I didn't tell her,"I got you a present!"

"But what's in the present?"

"A gift! Now go. You'll find out in Christmas. It's not that long anyways."

"Ugh okay." Kaylee left.

I went to my room. Checked my phone.

Still Nothing.

I heard a knock on the door of the living room.

Knowing that none of the girls or boys wouldn't open, I went.

I got my sweater and my Uggs I had the day of the trap. And opened the door.

"Crystal." It was Daniel.

Oh my god. I can't believe this. Daniel outside my house.

I forgot that the other day when we had to do a project I gave him my address.

"I' sorry that I was mad at you for not telling me." Daniel kept talking.

"Daniel. Look I thought that it was better for you to see it than me just telling you. And if you didn't like it like that. I'm sorry but I think I did the best. " I said.

"I know. And I forgive you for not telling me. But showing me. "

"That's okay. Umm do you want to come in?"

"Yeah. Sure, it's really chilly out here. "

It actually was. It finished snowing and it was really windy now.

The kids were upstairs and my parents are in work.

We sat in the couch.

"Umm. Crystal I have to tell you something. " Daniel said, looking me I the eyes.

"Tell me. " I grabbed his hand.

"️I noticed that I never really felt anything when I dated Karla." He said.

Wow. I thought. Good to know. At least he didn't have feelings with her.

"I noticed that with all this time. I had feelings for one person. You."

I was shocked. Is this a dream?

"Me. "

"Yes you. But maybe you just want to be friends."

"No no no! I actually want to be more than friends. " I leaned towards him.

He leaned closer to me. Until his lips were in mine, and mines in his. It all felt in place. We were meant for each other.

His lips were cold.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you." Daniel said and kissed me again.

This was a Christmas miracle.

It was Christmas Eve. And Daniel and me were dating. Finally.

"Yes! My brother in law is gonna be a hot guy! I am so tweeting this!!" Jessica said.

"Calm down Jesse. You're making a big deal me and him are dating. "

"BIG DEAL? It is a big deal! You finally got what you wanted! Don't think I didn't see your Santa letter you hided under the tree!!!"

"You read my letter!?!"


"Okay now go to sleep. It's 10:00 pm. And Tommorow you guys would get your presents early in the morning."

"Goodnight" Jessica said going to her bed.

"Night. "


The next morning everyone went under the tree and got their gifts.

"Yes a Frozen palace! And a princess bag! Thanks Crystal! " Kaylee hugged me.

I hugged her back. "Welcome. "

"A $40 gift card for Forever 21! Thanks! " Jessica told me.

"Yeah since you're like obsessed with that store! " I smiled.

"You got me a $40 gift card for GameStop! Yess! " Jacob said.

"Your welcome! " I yelled at him.

Jacob just smiled.

"You gave me $60! Thank you Jacob!"

I started opening my presents.

My mom gave me an iPhone 6.

"Omg! Thank you! I love you so much! "

My dad gave me a $50 gift card for StarBucks.

"Thank you dad! I am so going there Tomorrow!"

"Thank you Jessica! It's beautiful." Jessica gave me a necklace.

Once everyone opened their gifts. Daniel came.

"Merry Christmas!" He smiled. That smile I always love.

"Merry Christmas." I said smiling.

Jessica came down stairs and brought a mistletoe.

We looked up.

Then we kissed. The best kiss ever.
Santa read my letter. 🎅

All I want for Christmas is you.Where stories live. Discover now