Chapter 29 | Identity

Start from the beginning

Cephine leaves the cloud with my so-called sister. She begins sifting through a huge pile of treasure. Particularly, small jewelry cases.

Everything in here is so shiny. Tears pour down my face against my will.

"You have a strong spirit. Did you know Enoch offered to bring me a new wife? He wished for it to be you," Zard says with a grin.

Bile rises in my throat.

"I do not want to be anyone's wife! Especially the man who wished for my death!" I yell.

"Do not worry. I am not interested in a wife. I was interested in finding someone to organize the growing amount of soldiers here. I heard you used to be an empirical guard. Ashtium used to be known for having the fiercest warriors. The threat of invasion is higher than ever. We could use your help."

There are many suited in armor behind us. They do not carry whips though.

I have yet to see a single slave here.

How could they be so effecient without a great labor force?

Eventually, Zard dismisses us. Enoch walks me up a few set of winding stairs. We pass many arched doorways. We arrive on yet another landing. Enoch holds the crystal knob of the door while opening the door for me.

"I wish you wouldn't be so angry with me," he says softly. "How is your sight?"

His touch doesn't feel so pleasent anymore.

It makes me feel trapped.

"I have never seen so many colors. It is beautiful," I implore while taking in the lush plants in this chamber. "I want to learn the names of them, Enoch. Can you teach me?"

"I'll be sure to find a book for you. Please also consider the opportunity Zard had for you-"

"How come you were not imprisoned when he arrived in Ashtium?"

He turns on his heels, speaking with his back to me, "I'm of better moral standing than that bastard. That's why."

"Are you leaving me here?"

"Yes," he answers in a quieter tone. He speaks over his shoulder, "Don't go anywhere. I'll bring you dinner and a good book to read."

"Enoch, you brought me here against my will. You must explain more about the meaning of this. What is a craft, anyway?"

"Do you remember what Zard was sitting on? A clout. A clout can fly. That is how we got here," he explains. "Cephine wanted Adler to come with us. He didn't want to leave. He didn't want you to leave either. Think about that. He was a very sick persom, Greta. I hope you will accept that now that he is dead."

A stout man enters. Enoch shakes hands with him.

Three long swords are strapped to his back. He hands me one.

"My name is Rasmus," he announces. "I hear of your strength," he mutters while looking Enoch's way. "Keon, is it?"


"We wear red here for the blood lost over nationalist empires such as your home star. You do not owe allegiance to any ruler here but the wellbeing of Eyu."
I'm surprised I am told to keep the weapon. I do quite like this armor. Enoch called it red.

I wonder what colors I am as I gaze into the optical lens near my new bed. I am glad Enoch brought one for me out here. It is true my sight is like new. However, there must be something about this new atmosphere that irritates my eyes to no end.

They still sting horribly. The sensation is small compared to the endless array of tones in my room.

Plants and a few small pools occupy this space that is supposed to be mine now according to Enoch. Somewhere else in this large enclosed temple Celeste is crying.

Everything echoes in here.

I suppose I could close the entryway to my room but I rather not seeing as I struggled to open the same contraption when I first woke here.

Small fish swim around in one of the pools. A feeling of elation blooms within me as the water's color turns to different shades.

It feels so different seeing Enoch in color.

A dull pain still lurks in my heart as I look over the glass prism in my hand.


Ashfall: City of Shade (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now