Chapter 21

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"If you're afraid of getting hurt and feeling severe pain, then avoid falling in love."  -Unknown

*2 months later*
I groaned rolling over in our bed. I was in our bed, and I didn't feel Harry next to me. I got up and looked around our room, and I saw everything looking normal. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my robe before walking out of his room.

"Babe?" I questioned, walking into the kitchen, but that's when I found a note.

I'm so sorry. I had to go. Management called me, and I tried my best to get out of it. But they found out about you, and Jeff has been trying to help me, figure this out. But a news outlet has blackmail and I have to leave. I have leave you. I love you and I am so sorry. We will find each other at some other time. I love you so much Kaliea.

That's when I felt my heart fall apart. He was gone, he had left. I had fallen completely in love with him, my heart and soul. I made plans with him for our future. I did things. He promised me so many things but he left. He left me.

Was it for my protection? Was it because it was too real? Was I just another record for him?

Bound To You-HS- Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt