Chapter 14

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"All I ever wanted, It's in front of me. Right in front of me. What have I done " -Zayn

With all of my ability I ignore Harry and begin banter with Joel, the tattoo artist. Even though my heart is racing out of my chest from being right next to Harry and ignoring him. But I feel his eyes, those damn green eyes dwelling on me. The man that left me, the man who I love is standing beside me and I'm ignoring him.

"Now Harry get the hell out of here," Joel said, playfully.

"No, I'll stay." He left in the first place why doesn't he just leave again? I'm mad. I'm mad at him for leaving me. I'm mad because he chose a decision for both of us. I'm mad because he's right in front of me and I can't help but be bitter since he hurt me.

"You should go," Adam said, looking at Harry intently. Harry rolls his eyes and leans against the counter as Adam glares at him.

"I'm good," Harry said. Harry is such a nice guy it's weird to see him like this. The tattoo artist looks confused by his attitude as I do. Baylor and I hold each other's hands as we get the tattoos.

"Is this your first tattoo?" Joel asked Baylor, and she nods.

"Yours?" he asked.

"No, I've had a few done." I said, and Joel nodded.

"Wouldn't think you're the type," Joel smiled, Harry began to laugh and I looked over and glared.

"Well, I have a heart on my middle finger, then I have moths on my ribs." I said, ignoring Harry.

"Oh?" Joel nodded.

"Yeah, the moths are really pretty," Baylor said, sweetly.

"Kinda regret getting them," I said, shrugging. Baylor smiles at me and looks at Harry. Who's confused by the remark.

"Why?" Joel asked.

"I got them because I was a big fan of someone and just reminded me of them." I said, and looked down and Joel hummed.

"Do you want anything else?" Joel asked.

"I was actually thinking, I wanted a sun." I said, looking at him, and he nodded and Baylor smiled.

"Of course you do." Harry said. I scrunch my nose at him, and glare at him.

"Shut up." I snapped.

"Why the sun?" Joel asks, finishing the star.

"I uh. My mom used to always sing 'You are my sunshine' to me since she's paying for these, I thought." I said.

"Where?" Joel asked.

"I was thinking on my stomach right under my ribs on the left side." I said, lifting up my shirt.

"We could do it." he said, and I nodded

"Okay." I smiled at him.

"You sure, Kaliea?" I heard a voice said and looked over to Harry, his eyes holding concern. I shake my head before saying,

"Why does it matter?" I growled.

"Am I missing something?" Joel asked.

"No." I smiled, and took off my shirt, Harry's eyes latched on to me. I lay down and Baylor takes my hand.

"You're fucking crazy," she said and I smiled, then let a laugh slip out.

"None of that," he said. "Could ruin the ink." I nodded as he started.

"It already looks good." my eyes wander over to Harry, and his eyes are still on me. I shudder a little. When it's done the guy is putting stuff on it and I feel Harry glare at him as he puts wrap on mine and touches the other side of my stomach.

"Hey," Harry growled.

"What?" Joel asked, looking at him.

"Joel, don't touch her like that." Harry said, anger in his voice, and I cleared my throat.

"Shut up," I snapped and I put my shirt on and walked over to pay. We walk out and Harry follows close behind.

"Kaliea." Harry said.

"What?" I turn around, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" he asked, stepping closer.

"Yeah, no," I said.

"Please, all of us. On me." Harry said, hopefully, his eyes searching mine. I shrug my shoulders.

"Where?" I asked.

"I don't care." he said, looking over at Baylor and Adam and then back to me.

"We could go to Olive Garden, it's in Ankeny," I said, he nods. "Okay, follow us."

"I don't have a car," Harry sighed, and I glared at him again.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't have one." Harry repeated.

"You're a millionaire and don't have a car." I mocked and walked to my car, before looking back. "You coming?" I asked, and he nodded.

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