Chapter 17

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"Of course I feel too much, I'm a universe of exploding stars." -Unknown

When we break away from our heated kiss and the rain seems a little lighter. His forehead is against mine, as a smile creeps onto his face, I breathe out in relief and smile at him. Our lips peck together once more.

"Let's go? Back to my place?" Harry asked, and I softly nod. His hand slid perfectly into mine as we walked through the forest. When we got to the car he said that he can drive, and I didn't shoot him down. Today has been a long day, I needed a bit of a break. After he started driving I faded peacefully into sleep.

"Kaliea?" I hear Harry's voice and my eyes flutter open. His hands are on my thighs and he was trying to wake me up, from my side of the car. I get up and his hand helps me out of the car. I walk behind him to his house.

"So you don't have a car?" I questioned.

"I do, I told Joel that he could drive it because I left it at the tattoo parlor." I smiled at him and shook my head.

"You lied," I said, stopping in my tracks and putting my hands on my hips.

"I did." He shrugs his shoulders. "But for good reason." He points his finger at me and I walk over and act like I'm gonna bite his finger.

"You know I have an indoor pool," Harry smiled at me.

"In a cabin?" I asked, and he nods.

"Hmm, but I don't have a swimsuit." I said.

"You don't need one." he smirked, and I shook my head.

"Perv," I giggled, crossing my arms.

"I could lend you some clothes so you can get wet." Harry said, looking at me and I nodded.

"Sure," I said. We walked to his walk room. It has a big window on one side and a big white bed in the middle. It's a simple room. I just wonder what it would be like sleeping next to him on the bed. Making love on the bed. I bite my lip as Harry looks at me.

"Earth to Kaliea," Harry said, humor in his voice, my eyes flashing up to him.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Here's your clothes, darlin," he smiled, kissing my forehead and walking out. I begin to strip off my wet clothes. Then putting on oversized boxers and a white shirt. I walk out and spin around for him and he laughs and shakes his head.

"Let me go change." Harry said, I nodded my head and looked around his kitchen. He has such a nice cabin. My eyes scanned the area. The marble table that seems expensive and the white wooden cabinets. Stainless steel appliances. Then a step down to his long black couch that's shaped into an L in front of a tv. A big window showcasing the wild.

"Kaliea." he said and I turn and smile. "Swim?" he asks and I nod my head walking behind him out the door. He opens and a decent-sized pool is shown. Chlorine fills up my nose and I scrunch my nose. Before I can comprehend anything. Harry is already jumping into the water. I laugh at him. I set down my glasses on a table. Then dip my feet in.

"You're not getting in?" he asked, and I shook my head. He glares at me and swims over to me. "You are." He says I shake my head while grinning ear to ear. He's hands set on my thighs. I look down at his fingers and smile. I give him pouty eyes and then his hands wander to my hips.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my eyebrows knitting together.

"Helping you into the water." he smiled at me.

"No." I said, squirming away from his grasp, and he cocks his head.

"Why?" he asked.

"I'll just get in," I said. I slowly slide into the water.

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