Chapter 13

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"I could be anything in the world but I wanted to be his." -Rupi Kaur

3 days later

My eyes are still red, from crying. I swallow the lump in my throat. Tonight, Baylor and I are gonna go get tattoos. Which I'm excited about. I have 2 tattoos already. I have a heart on my ring finger and moths along my rib cage. I got those because of Harry. Not when I met him, no that's weird. But a lot of people get tattoos of their favorite song or something like that. I had moths on the left side of the body, on my ribs. Three little moths, along my rib cage. Simple and pretty. Just like the single moth on his chest. That reminded me of my favorite artist, and what he stands for. Love and Kindness.

Baylor wants to go get her first one, so I told her when I was done with my shift at dmacc, I'd swing by her campus and pick her up, and we'd go get matching tattoos. We're gonna get a star on our feet. Our mom said growing up,

'That stars are what held us and made us keep going because they were shining down on us each night and gracing our veins with stardust. So just like how flowers get energy from the sun, we get it from the stars.' We are getting them on our feet because it's what holds us up. We're gonna do it on our right foot right underneath our big toe.

I'm excited. But this morning I'm heading off to classes. I normally just sit by the professor's desk and if someone needs something I help, if the professor is busy. It's a stupid job but one that needed to be filled, and if the professor is out I get to fill in. I'm sitting at my desk sipping on my coffee and writing notes about a new book I'm writing when Professor Hope calls my attention

"Ms. Moore." I hear my name and look up from my thoughts.


"Someone is here for you." I looked up, hoping to see Harry standing there. But it was Adam. I smile and run over to him, and walk out the door with him.

"What are you doing?" I asked, smiling at him.

"I'm here, Baylor told me what happened." Adam said, softly.

"Of course she did," I rolled my eyes at the thought, "why are you talking to my sister?" I glared at him.

"None of your business," Adam smiled and hugged me again. "So, Styles broke your heart?" he continued.

"Yeah, but at least we haven't had sex yet." I said, looking down.

"Is that really something to be proud of?" Adam smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Adam it is." I growled, shoving his shoulder.

"Uh, crap. Baylor and I are getting tattoos, wanna come?" I asked.

"Sure." he nods.

"You have to wait till 3 though," I said.

"How about I go to your place, and wait?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Ask my mom to drop you off before she goes to work. I'll text her." I planned, and he nodded.

"Okay, I'll let you get back." Adam smiled.

"Okay! But you have some explaining to do." I said, and he nodded.

Adam is literally my favorite person. He's from Iowa too, which was strange when I met him, he's come down with me before. So he might just be staying with his family or something. I mean it's almost Halloween. Actually, I can't believe it's only 7 days away, until the end of October. We'll need to get costumes or something. I walk back into the room and sit down. Everyone ignored me like I was hoping.

Soon it's over and I'm on my way to Baylor's campus cause apparently. Baylor's was closer than mine, so it easier for Adam to be dropped off there but I'm not sure. I swear if he's fooling around with my sister, I'll give him a new one. Adam has this thing when he doesn't handle love very well. He can't fall in love, he just fools around, and I can't have him doing that to Baylor, she falls in love quickly. Later, I picked them up and noticed hickies on Baylor's neck. I cleared my throat and glared at Adam.

"What?" Baylor asked, looking straight into my eyes.

"I'mma kill you," I said, almost hopping out of my seat, lunging towards Adam.

"Stop it!" Baylor shouts, she pulls me back up and I glare at him.

"You didn't come here for me, you came here to bump uglies with my sister," I said, turning on the car and driving off the car.

"That's not completely true." Adam fought.

"Fuck you." I spat. The car is in undeniable silence, but soon we roll into the tattoo parlor. I hop out of the car quickly, excited like a child as Adam and Baylor hop out.

"I'm sorry." Baylor starts, and I shake my head.

"Let's forget it for now," I said, opening the door, and Adam stops in his tracks in front of us.

"We should go. Find somewhere else, yeah?" Adam asked, and I glared at him.

"Why?" I ask.

"We had an appointment, we're not leaving," Baylor adds, as we push past them and I see Harry talking to one of the guys and the guy laughing. I feel my heart drop, as Harry turns and eyes go wide. I lean down to Baylor. I felt my eyes go shy and I walked over to the counter slowly. Why is he even here?

"Uh, Moore," I said.

"Yes, for the two tattoos?" the guy said, I nod, and avoid eye contact with Harry. As my hands are shaking on the counter, but then he breaks the silence.

"Kaliea," Harry starts.

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