Fire Walk With Me; Part 2

Start from the beginning

"That's not something to be proud of. Being good at a stupid, fantasy game that specifically targets damaged teens."

"Don't hate the game, hate the player." She shrugged.

Sweetpea furrowed his brows. "That's not even a saying."

"Sure it is just backwards-" She gasped suddenly and her eyes grew wide. "Backwards."

Lexy stopped walking and took in a deep breath before starting to place one foot behind the other. Each time she got further back, her feet came closer and closer to falling off the ledge.

"The king loves people who take risks. Who push the limit." Lexy said to herself as she held her arms out for balance.

"What the hell!?" Sweetpea shouted, taking hold of her legs and lifting her down from the ledge bridal style.

"Hey! Now I have to start all over again! You can't stop in between that's cheating!" Lexy pushed him away from her.

"Like I give a crap about the Gargoyle King's rules!"

"Like I give a crap what you think about the Gargoyle King!"

She marched back to the beginning of the bridge to start her quest over again. That's when she noticed headlights in front of her. Archie and Reggie.

They jumped out of the car with matching freaked out looks on their faces as soon as they saw Lexy finding her balance on the ledge again.

"Sorry Archiekins, you're plot to get rid of me didn't work. Because now, I'm just back stronger. And I'm on my last quest before I ascend!"

"Jesus, Lex, I never wanted to get rid of you, I just didn't know how to help you."

"Nothing any of you could do would help me. The only one who can help me is the one who understands me."

"The Gargoyle King?" Reggie asked skeptically.

Lexy laughed patronizingly. "No, not the Gargoyle King. Somebody else, but that's my private business."

"Lexy nothing you do is private anymore. All of your business became public when you publicly defaced all of those buildings and stole all those things." Reggie said.

Lexy suddenly spun around to face them causing all of the boys to flinch. "I would do every one of things all over again if it meant that I could get to this place again." She then started humming innocently and continued forward.

"What would the old you say to yourself right now? How would that Lexy feel about everything you've done?" Sweetpea asked, hoping to snap her out of this state.

"There is no old Lexy. She's still in here. She's just gotten stronger now."

Archie sighed sadly at that statement. If it was true, then that was a world he didn't want to live in. "Lexy, I understand what you've been through. Everyone in this town knows how many people you've lost and how brave you are-"

"Stop it! Don't try understand me, because you don't. Don't try and compare yourself to me, because we are not the same!" Lexy snapped, and for the first time, her face was completely hard.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now