Party : 7

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Quinn's POV


It's Friday! I feel so much better now that I got sleep.

Leo left last night before my parents got home from work. Well, not exactly before they got home. More like when they got home from work. He ended up having to climb out my window, giving me a kiss and sliding down to the bottom of the tree.


He did this very slowly. He was giving me a weird look the entire way. I was cracking up. When he got to the bottom and said something I was not expecting.

"I'm saving this for you later." He rubbed his hands down his body awkwardly as he said this.

"Oh when is this?" I ask loudly, but not so loud as my parents hearing me.

"The party tomorrow night! Your coming with me, right babe?" I hate parties so much. But, he gives me that cute puppy dog face and I break.

"Fine. Who's party is it?"

"Oliver and Ben's. You really will come? Haha come." He smiles. Dirty minded Leo, I say to myself.

"Yeah I'll come."

"Ew. I think you have to buy me dinner first."

"Shut up Leo." I roll my eyes.

"Goodnight Rapunzel."

"I don't like Rapunzel. Can I be Belle? Ooh or Jasmine?"

"Cool it I was trying to be romantic."

"If you want to be romantic, remember my favorite princesses." With that I blow him a kiss and shut my window.

*End of flashback*

Anyways I'm getting dressed and almost out the door when Lizzie calls me. Thus making my butt vibrate and I laugh a little.


"Hey Quack! Are you going to the party tonight?"

"Yeah. I'm on my way to school soon. Do you want me to drive you to the party?"

"Naw. Justin's driving

Justin? Who the hell is that? Is that- no it can't be.

"Who's Justin?"

"My date for the party." She hangs up to leave me in mystery. I guess I'll just have to ask her at school.


It was the end of the day and I finally caught Lizzie walking out with Vivian, Kado, Oliver, and Elena.

I run up to them, the zippers on my boots clanking together. "Liz!"

She turns and smiles. "'Sup Quack?"

"Tell me who this 'Justin' is." I use air quotes when saying 'Justin'.

Kado and Oliver and Elena all look at Liz. Her entire face turns red.

"What do you mean?" Kado asks. He looks kind of angry. Like he could punch a wall or something. Except he's not that strong and it'd probably break his hand.

Liz explains everything about meeting Justin. Kado balls his fists throughout her story. He can't help it, but I feel so bad.

"And yeah. So I invited him to the party." She finishes.

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