
      End of flashback

     I was full out sobbing now, I hate my dad so much why couldn't he just beat me instead of taking her away from me, She was-is my happiness, she probably thinks that I've forgotten about her,   I love her so much  life is so unfair, Life is not on my side, Why did he have to take her from me?,  What if we never find her?, I will never be able to live with myself knowing I could have done something to stop it,  she was the one that made me realize mom's death was not my fault and that I had so much more to be happy for then to be sad for, She was the one that I went to when I was Sad, Mad, Angry or when I just had a rough day, she was-is my everything and now she's gone and its all my fault.

I heard the door open, I looked up to see Lucas standing at the doorway, I was still full out sobbing historically, He looked at me with Worry, Pain and Concern, he walked over and layed on the bed beside me, he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me into his embrace, I sobbed into his chest clinging to his shirt, while he rubbed my back and stroked my hair in a brotherly way.

      "Shh Josie, I know it hurts but we will find her, we will" he said softly I looked up still sobbing.              "But..what...if...we...don't" I choked out in between my sobs, he looked at me with sadness in his eyes.         "Josie don't think that way, You have to keep having hope" He said I nodded and put my head back into his chest and sobbed,  

30 minutes later I stopped and my eyes got heavy I struggled to keep them open..

     "Go to sleep Josie, you need it" Lucas said I nodded and I fell asleep.


I woke up to someone brushing my hair out of my face, I opened my eyes to see Trevor laying beside me, he smiled softly when he saw I was awake.

"Hey Baby, Nice nap?" He asked I yawned.            "Its was alright" I whispered he nodded, I felt numb I wanted to cry but I couldn't, I miss my Angel so much wherever she is she's probably getting beaten or something, I don't think I can live with that thought.

    "Josie are you okay?" He asked worried, I weakly nodded.               "Yeah" I whispered hoarsely , Lie a total lie, I'm far from okay, I'm a miserable mess.                   "No your not Josie, all you do is cry, and Sob,  you cry yourself to sleep every night, and whenever you so much as think of Angel you burst into tears, and that's all the time cause your always thinking of her, Your not eating and when your not crying you are numb and you don't talk but just stare into space, Josie you are not okay I notice these things baby" He said tears welled up, he brought me into his embrace, I hugged him tightly burying my face into his chest, I blinked my tears away, he pulled away and tilted my chin up to look into his blue eyes and pecked my lips softly.

      "Come on you need to get out" He said, I shook my head.                 "No I don't feel like it" I said this time it was him who shook his head.                  "No, you've been locked up in this room in this bed for the past two days straight, you can't help Angel if you just sit here" He said tears welled up at the mention of her name, He noticed and guilt flashed in his eyes as he scooped me back up in his arms.

    "I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to upset you" He said I nodded and pulled away, wiping the few tears that had slipped away.                "Its okay" I whispered.                  "Good, But you still need to get out, even if its just for a few minutes" He said I signed.               "Okay fine, Where are we going?" I asked weakly, He bit his lip in thought thinking it over before answering,             "How about a nice walk?" He asked smiling I sigh but nodded.              "Okay sure, I'll go take a shower"I said he nodded.

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