[11] bloodbaths & alliances

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FEAR WAS AN EMOTION THAT MADE PEOPLE DO THINGS they never imagined they were capable of. The sensation of being afraid had a way of shutting out your common senses and dictating your decisions.

Silver never thought the day would come where she'd feel that type of fear first hand, much less witness it in others. What she had yet to see however was just how far would someone go to save their own neck?

The shrill noise of the gong indicated the beginning of the games. With a newfound adrenaline pumping through her body, Silver lept off her pedestal, sprinting for the mouth of the Cornucopia. Her mind was made up, she was going for the throwing knives she wanted so bad, the ones she needed.

Chaos soon ensued as most tributes raced for the Cornucopia, while others ran in the opposite direction towards the jungle, far away from the action. Silver could only hope that Reese was one of those tributes.

To her own surprise, Silver along with Marvel were the first to reach the Cornucopia. Already brandishing a spear, Marvel mercilessly attacked the girl from District 5, thrusting his spear straight through her chest.

Somewhere off to the side, Glimmer was hacking up the little twelve year old girl from 11, all with cruel smirk on her face. Silver shook herself out of her daze, driving the violent images out of her head and focused on her current mission, retrieving those knives.

They were still there, sitting beside a backpack that she might as well take. Her eyes didn't dare waver away from the silver blades, even when she reached over and snatched them, clutching them tightly to her chest. As she tried to stuff the knives into her vest, a fist collided with her jaw, knocking her right into the inner wall of the Cornucopia.

Blood splattered across the ground and a painful sensation flooded through her mouth so Silver had to guess her jaw had just been fractured or worse, broken. Within seconds, she was pinned against the wall of the Cornucopia and staring into the bloodshot eyes of the female tribute from District 10, Silver instinctively went for one of her knives only to find the sheaths were empty.

Her eyes frantically searched the ground before she found the set of knives a couple feet away from her, waiting to be snatched up again. "Not so threatening without your little toys now, huh?" The girl taunted, pulling out a sharp curved knife of her own and went for Silver's throat. Her hand flew up and took the handle, attempting to yank it away from her but she underestimated the girl's strength.

She was completely defenceless, just as vulnerable as the poor girl Glimmer had  butchered. This wasn't how she wanted to meet her end, because Silver wasn't a defenceless girl and refused to let this be the way she died. With the girl's knife now barely grazing her exposed throat, Silver grabbed her wrist, digging her nails deep into it, causing her to scream in pain and twisted it back away from her throat, forcing her to drop the knife.

Before she had time to recover, Silver head butted the girl, shattering her nose and knocked her to the ground with a knee to her stomach. But that didn't seem to stop her as she tried to grab at Silver again, she scrambled across the floor, barley getting ahold of a throwing knife and sending it whizzing through the air until it found it's way through her brain.

The District 10 girl's limp body collapsed onto the ground, adding to the dead bodies that were now littered around the Cornucopia. All the Careers had regrouped inside, taking a second to regain their strength and allow the reality of the games to really sink in.

Cato came over, coated in blood along with his sword, "You're bleeding" was the first thing he told her, gesturing to the blood dripping from her busted lip. Silver only shook her head, dismissing her bloodied mouth and possibly fractured jaw like it was nothing more then a paper cut.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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