[1] the day that ruined life

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SILVER COULD NEVER IMAGINE WOULD HER LIFE would look like if she didn't live near the sea. It was what her life mainly revolved around, she couldn't imagine anything better then living by the ocean.

She could never get sick of hearing the waves crashing around the shore each night when she went to bed, or smelling the distinct smell of the salted water whenever she was outside.

Life in District 4 was as good as it could ever get, even as a child she used to call herself the luckiest girl in all of Panem, that was of course before she knew of the tradition that plagued the entire country.

The annual tradition she had come to know as the Hunger Games. Though Silver always thought the name was misleading, there was nothing fun about these particular games.

Twenty four children picked and then put in an arena then forced to fight until the death, it was one of the many consequences of a rebellion nearly a hundred years ago.

As much as she wanted to, Silver could never blame those who began the rebellion so long ago. They rebelled against the Capitol, where the wealthy lived a life of luxury, at the expense of twelve districts, some even stuck in deep poverty, all thanks to President Snow.

What always enraged Silver was when she was told she had nothing to complain about, her family had money and she had never known the feeling of starving for a meal.

It wasn't like they were lying, she didn't know what it was like to be poor but regardless it didn't mean she couldn't sympathize with the people from less fortunate districts.

At the end of the day, it was what it was and the chances of changing the the world Silver lived in were very slim. It was a tough pill to swallow and to this day Silver still couldn't fully wrap her head around it.

Today though, Silver would have to. She had to believe that this was the way her world ran, because today was reaping day. Morning came to the D'Alessio household sooner than Silver would've liked, the only relieving thing about reaping day was that it was at two o'clock meaning everyone could sleep in.

But when you lived with three brothers who did nothing but create chaos and noise throughout the house, sleeping in wasn't much of an option for Silver.

Silence swept through Silver's room, the only sound heard was the distant crashing of the waves and the creaking of floorboards under someone's foot just outside her room.

Silver was sleeping quite comfortably on her bed. Her blanket was draped over her body and covered most of her head, except for the few stray brown strands that poked out of it.

One of her legs dangled from the side of the bed and her snoring disturbed the silence that occupied the room. The doorknob suddenly began to jingle and the door swung open with a loud creak. In walked a boy no older then twelve, his messy sandy blond hair sticking out at all ends and his deep green eyes were scanning the room until they landed on an unconscious Silver.

A mischievous smile made a way to the boy's lips and he carefully tiptoed toward her bed. Then, he proceeded to jump on top of Silver and shake her awake. "SILVER! SILVER! SILVER!" The boy exclaimed, tugging the blanket off her face and bouncing on the bed. Silver's chocolate brown eyes suddenly shot open "R-Reese, what the hell?" She muttered groggily, still sounding half asleep.

"You promised!" Was all Reese replied with and a wide grin etched it's way onto his face. Silver furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before she remembered what she had promised her little brother the day prior.

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