Chapter 3 ~ Rude Awakening

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Clarke's POV:

             Bellamy and I have gotten pretty close as we come up with a murder plan. We have one set in stone and we are putting it into action today. It's been about 2 weeks since we met in the hall. He's visited Octavia a few time for short periods of time. I am on my way to his unit to get ready to set the plan.

              I get to the unit and use my key card to get inside. When I get in, Bellamy is preparing the drugs we are going to give Ares in a drink. We have an entire plan set up and it might just work. "Almost ready?" I ask he smiles "oh I am most certainly ready." I smile back at him and say "Justice for my dad, your mom, and Octavia." He nods "let's do this." We make our way to Ares's unit knowing he isn't there. I quickly kill every camera in the hall on the way. He is currently on guard duty so he won't be home.

             I slide my dads old key card through the door and it buzzes open. Since Ares took over the small group of guards he has lived on his own. Bellamy and I walk in his Unit careful of what may be inside. Bellamy slips the drugs into a jug of water and then puts a jar of the medication in the bathroom on the sink. "Bellamy hurry." I say keeping watch by the door. Bellamy hurry's to the door and says "we are all set. Go." I nod and we quickly get out of that room. We hurry back to Bellamy's unit and I look to Bellamy "Bell if we get caught I am taking the blame." He shakes his head "no." I nod "Bell your 19. They will float you." He sighs "but then you will be locked up." I shrug "it's better then you dying. I have a chance. You don't." He looks to me and says "fine. But We won't get caught." I nod "your right."

            Bellamy and I sit and wait until guards get off duty. Once the time comes I look to Bellamy "he should be getting home around now." He nods "he's getting what he deserves. He can't just walk free after raping my sister, getting your father floated and getting my mother floated." I nod "right. He is a criminal. The guard still doesn't know about your moms floating. They don't even realize she's gone. Why didn't you say anything?" I ask. He sighs "he told me he would make Octavia suffer in Prison. I couldn't make things worse for her." I look at him "I envy how much you care about her."

             He smiles a little "I promised her I would never let anything happen to her. I let her down when she got locked up." I put my hand on his knee "that wasn't your fault. It was Ares's fault and he will pay for the hell he put Octavia through. He got her pregnant for Christ's sake." Bellamy nods "I just wish I could help her out of there." We stay silent for a while and I break the silence.

              "What if I can get us out of here? You, me, Octavia." He cocks his head "what do you mean." She shrugs "it might take a few months but I could get us out of here. That is if I don't get locked up." He nods "I'm on board with whatever plan is running through your head. Anything to help Octavia out of here." I nod " I will talk with some people and find a way to get us free." He smiles and says "perfect."

               The intercom comes on and a man starts speaking. "For those of you who lived and cared for him, Ares Fisher was found dead after a supposed overdose in his unit today. His suicide was one that will be remembered for years to come. He served as an amazing guard in the force and will be greatly missed." Bellamy and I look to each other "it worked." He says quietly I smile and say "oh my god!!" He giggles at my relief. He looks from my eyes to my lips and I understand quickly the idea he has and I can't lie, it's crossed my mind a few times. I look to his lips too and both of us lean in.

              When our lips touch, it's almost immediate electricity. It feels like it was meant to happen. Like this was meant to be. I feel butterflies in my stomach and everything becomes clear. I love Bellamy Blake. Our kiss deepens and after we pull away he smile and I blush. "I have to say Griffin, you make quite a nice kisser." I smile at his remark and say "well your not too shabby yourself Blake." He giggles a little and says "want to stay over?" I smile and nod "I would like that."

              We put on a movie and get comfortable on his bed. For the first time since my dad died, I feel at home. Like everything makes sense. I put my head on Bellamy's shoulder and smile against his shoulder. As the movie progresses my eyes feel heavy and slowly begin to fall shut.

**7 months later**

             I make my way at running speed to Bellamy's room. Both of us have started dating and are on the same page. What he doesn't know is I'm about to give him news that will change his life. I make my way down his hall and to his unit door. I swipe my key card and open the door. Bellamy was just waking up. "Bellamy." He looks up at me with his bed head and says "yes Clarke?" In a sleepy voice. I smile and say "we are getting out of here. You me and Octavia. He straighten up and says "what do you mean." I smile and say "we are going to the ground."

Octavia's POV:

              I am 35 weeks pregnant and the baby is kicking around insanely. Very very active little one. I have been treated fairly for being a prisoner. I haven't seen Bellamy in about 4 months since the guards changed shifts. He hasn't been able to get in here and it sucks. I have already come up with names for the baby. If it's a boy it will be Hudson Bell Blake and if it's a girl it will be Veira Rose Blake. I am so excited to meet the baby but terrified to give birth at 16 years old.

               I am currently sitting on the bed in my room looking at the walls around me. I have managed to find several dots on the wall and have spent most of my days in here making shapes from the dots. It passes time pretty well. The baby kicks and I feel an extreme sharp pain through my back. I breathe through the pain and look down at my stomach "was that really called for?" I feel a kick and giggle a little. It's almost as if we are communicating.

              I hear my door buzz. That hasn't happened since Bellamy visited me last 4 months ago. I hear the door open and look over. I see Clarke walk in and her eyes widen "whoa baby momma. Your stomach got big!" I run over and give her a hug "Clarke it's good to see you! Where is Bellamy??" She smiles "at the ship." I cock my head "ship?" She smiles even bigger "yup. The ship we are using to get to the ground." My eyes widen "I'm getting out??" Clarke giggles and says "yes ma'am but we have to go now." I nod "okay let's go." Clarke takes my hand and we make our way out of the sky box.

             I get another sharp pain but this one is worse. I groan a little and Clarke says "whoa are you okay?" I nod "yeah just focus on escaping." She nods and continues to guide me to the ship. One we get there, Bellamy runs out of the ship and engulfs me in a hug "Octavia! Look how big you are!" He stops "wait and I supposed to say that." I laugh a little "it's fine Bellamy. It just means the baby is growing well." I see a lady walk over and say "shit who's that??" Clarke puts a hand on my shoulder "relax that's Raven and she is taking us to the ground." Raven smiles "so this is the famous Octavia Blake. It's nice to meet you." I smile and Bellamy says "alright let's do this before people find out."

             We quickly get on the ship and latch in. The door closes and Raven looks back "who's ready to go home?" Smiles fill the ship and another lain launches through my system. "Mmmm." I groan. "Octavia that happened 15 minutes ago. Your showing signs of contractions." I shake my head "worry about it once we get to the ground." She nods "take us home Raven." Raven nods "you got it." She pushes a button and the ship starts to shake. "Here we go. We are officially plummeting towards earth." The ship jars fast and we all shake "what happened?" Clarke asks. Raven smiles "that was the atmosphere." I look down and see a puddle of water beneath me.

             I mistakenly say "uh oh." Clarke looks over "what, what's wrong?" I bite my lip and say "I think my water just broke."


A/N: The baby is coming lads! Part 3 complete! And it's longer then the others! Who's ready to meet baby Blake? Comment below your thoughts on this story so far!

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