Chapter 12: Hunting Season

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(Well since bee went back to normal, everything was alright— for now. Varian is now 16 years old teenager. Nightmare taught him how to fight since he was now old enough. She now knew from jazz that her face is now shown on Cybertron, along with bee.)

Denny shows off his disguises and Grimlock was impressed. Starburst watches near the corner of a shelf. Star looked at Grim, like he was a childish bot. Grim requested another disguise, but when Denny puts on another, Starburst decided to come over. "Oh Starburst. Want to watch Denny's disguises with me?",he asked.

"No thanks— because I'm not a child"

"What? This isn't childish, Starburst.",Denny looked at him.

Grimlock agreed with him. "Oh come on, Grimlock. You're a Autobot, a childish, immature- is that a cat?!",he said and Grim jumps up scared.

"What?! Where??!"

"You're scared of a small furry creature. That's dramatic.",he teases, showing no emotion on his face.

When Russell was about to jump in, he didn't slightly notice what was going on until he saw Starburst teasing Grimlock. He was about to say something, until his dad breaks the news to him about not coming on missions anymore. Russell was disappointed. The alarm goes off and all the bots were called to the command center. Two ships were tracked near by a hunting lodge. Bee tells Grim to stay put in the scrapyard, and also Starburst and Varian had to stay as well.

The team head to the lodge, but it was deserted, no one was around. "It's quiet. But someone's coming",Night said.

"Denny, take cover",Bee looked at him and goes for cover.

Fracture appears out of the woods, looking at Bee and Night like prizes. He was followed by another bot, Drift. Nightmare recognized his face from Cybertron. They both launched their minicons at them, until they start to fight each other. The team was a bit confused, when hearing that Fracture wanted to collect the bounties. "Did he say bounties ?",Strongarm was concerned. They needed to give Drift an assist, so they reinforce him, but the con retreats with his minicons. Like again, Night read about every Decepticon that was on the ship, including Fracture. Once the fight was done, Drift reveals that the council put bounties on Bee and Night's head. Nightmare looked at him a bit worried, "My head too?",she asked him.

"I assume you must be Nightmare. The bounty has been placed on you for hacking in the space bridge between Cybertron and Earth. They know that work-tech anywhere.",he said, the bots were surprised.

"I learned from myself. I had and don't need no teacher.",she glared at him. But now that Drift owes Bee a life debt and will protect him from Fracture. Denny comes out of hiding and Drift mistakes him for a pet. "Humans aren't pets, Drift",Night said. Bee agreed with her and orders everyone to head back to the scrapyard.

Nightmare was shocked inside that the council put a bounty on her. But good thing that they don't know who she truly was, the daughter of Primus and a Diamond, conjunx endura of Starscream, and mother of four children.

At the scrapyard, Drift points out their lack of security and inexperienced of the team. "Your inexperienced law officer, juvenile delinquent, oafish Dinobot, a weird outraced female seeker, a unknown four-armed creature, a second teenaged delinquent, damaged minicon, and human pets are no match for an enemy as devious as Fracture."

"Hey!",they all said. Starburst started growl at him for being rude about Nightmare, and his new nephew, Varian.

"He's rude, mom",Varian said, holding his mom's arm.

While the Bots organize things, Varian, Fixit, and Russell show Jetstorm and Slipstream around the command center. "That bot your sensei?",Russell asked the minicons.

Transformers: Robots in Disguise- The Last PredaconOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora