Escape *Rewrite*

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Lightning flashed across the dark sky and the thunder roared, the sound echoing across the land. Rain poured down from the sky, the drops feeling like sharp blades against skin. A puddle splashed as a hooded cloak ran through the forest in the pouring rain.

Their breathing became hoarse as they panted, their feet dirty and bloody from running through the forest. The figure slipped into a puddle and landed face-first in the dirty water. A small whimper escaped their mouth as they slowly pushed themselves up onto their hands.

"DON'T LET HER ESCAPE!" A man's voice yelled, his voice echoing over the rain.

Gasping in fear, the figure struggled to push herself up. Her feet slid briefly in the mud, before she caught her footing and ran as swiftly as she could. Her lungs burned and her legs felt as if they were made of lead, and would give out on her, but she pushed on.


Seeing a light in the distance, she sped up till she came across a concrete platform with shipping containments.

Slowing to a stop, the figure panted hard.

Trying to take a deep breath, she turned around and saw flashlights dancing in the darkness of the dark forest she had just escaped.

Whimpering, she ran deeper into the yard, that - fortune be praised - seemed like a maze. Everywhere she ran, tall stacks of metal units towered over her, casting dark shadows across the ground.

The figure skidded to a stop as she saw a crane loading units and crates onto a huge cargo ship. Staying in the shadows, the figure quickly looked around until her eyes landed on an antique-looking travel chest. It was tall and wide, with worn leather straps on the front.

Looking around to see if anyone had seen her, she quickly ran over to the old trunk and pried it open.

"THIS WAY!" The same male voice yelled nearby.

The figure looked back in fear before slowly climbing into the old trunk. She closed the lid, but kept it open a crack as she saw a group of six men stop a few feet away from the trunk.

Her heart pumped swiftly as they put a hand against her mouth, trying to keep their breathing quiet. The horrid images of where she came from and what those men did to her flooded her mind and she feared being found at this critical moment.

She was so close-!

"We lost sight of her, sir!" One of the men said loudly over the rain, features silhouetted.

"You idiots!" The leader yelled as he pulled a whip out. "You need to look harder!" And he whipped the ground for emphasis, causing them - and the figure - to flinch at the sound. "That creature is our goldmine and I will not let her escape!" He yelled before looking at the trunk.

The figure lowered the lid as slowly as she could as she felt ice in her veins.

He saw.

Her body shivered and the wounds that covered her body - some old, some new - hidden under the makeshift cloak, ached as she started to remember the punishment he and the others would give her.

Her breathing becomes swift as she faintly hears the dark laugh escaping from his lips.

"You can never hide from me, little monster." The leader chuckled in a sing-song way, as he held his hand out towards the trunk.

Tears fell down the figure's face as her body trembled in fear. She heard his footsteps get louder as her body started to go into a small panic attack.

'' She thought fearfully. 'Please...I don't want to go back to that torturous place...not again.' She clenched her eyes shut, preparing for the worst.

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