Whispered Warnings *REWRITE*

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"So tell me again, WHY are they turning that into a house?" Aurora asked, lying lazily on her stomach with her arms stretched across Henry's running board, a soft blue blanket covering her completely except her face.

It has been a month since Aurora first arrived on Sodor, and was adopted by Henry and Edward. Since then, she has become friends with the steam engines and some of the diesels.

In fact, she grew to consider some of the engines as her brothers and sisters; as well as aunts and uncles. The exceptions to this rule were Edward and Henry (of course) as well as Duke, Stephen, and Glynn; the latter three she saw as surrogate grandfathers. She enjoyed listening to their tales of the earlier days of Sodor (plus, Duke's stories of how Peter Sam and Sir Handel used to behave amused her to no end.)

Not only was she slowly improving emotionally and mentally, but her physical well-being had taken a turn for the better; her bruises had gradually vanished; her freshest scars had faded; her bones were nowhere near as visible as they had been on her first day. She had gained weight, not enough, but she was a lot less lethargic, and she recovered faster from any illnesses, as well as injuries (her leg was now healed).

"They're turning it into a house for you." Henry chuckled softly, watching the construction crew arriving at the old workman's hut. "So you can have a place to sleep, cook, and keep stuff stored there."

"I prefer sleeping in the sheds with you..." Aurora muttered under her breath as she placed her chin on the cold metal.

"It'll be helpful during the cold weather." Edward yawned as he puffed out of his berth. "Also you won't have to wash down in the berths." He smiled warmly. "Or do you want to continue to do so?"

"No..." Aurora groaned as she pulled the blanket over her face, remembering that day.


"You are healing quite well, my dear." Dr. Forest smiled as she lowered her stethoscope. "Your leg has fully healed as well."

Aurora's ears folded against her ears as she looked away, her tail wrapped around Henry's coupling rod once more. She was still very distrustful towards humans, but felt a bit calmer around the doctor, only thanks to Henry being there with her.

Her wounds had started to heal properly and her skin was adopting a healthier glow.

The cat girl watched with cautious eyes as the doctor pulled out four green bottles before placing her bag down. Aurora took a step back, feeling Henry's running plate being pressed against the back of her neck.

"Is everything alright?" Henry asked worriedly, feeling Aurora pressing herself closer to him.

"Everything is alright, Henry." Dr. Forest giggled softly as she started to set up a tarp. "Just preparing things to wash her."

"...What...?" Aurora barely whispered, her eyes going wide in fear.

Aurora felt her body tremble from hearing those words, nightmares resurfacing in her mind. The chains they used to strap her to a table, the workers having their way with her as they scrubbed her body with sandpaper and water. The way her skin was rubbed raw, turning red and stinging with pain at the slightest touch.

That was the only 'bath' she knew, and it was always before she was used as a plaything when the circus entered a new town. Her hands tightly grabbed onto Henry's running plate, her claws scraping against the metal as her eyes shrunk in fear. A low, shaky growl escaped her mouth as her vision started to blur, being replaced by the different trailers and tents of her hell. Her breathing picks up, sounding shaky as she slowly collapses to her knees.

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