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Henry sighed happily as he closed his eyes, puffing down the tracks. The sun felt warm on his boiler and birdsong filled his smokebox. Days like this are his favorite when he is working his jobs for he always feels so relaxed and content.

Watching Gordon pass him with the Express, Henry blew his whistle twice and smiled happily. Over the last few days, Sodor seemed full of life once again and he wouldn't have it any other way. His smile widened as he slowly approached his sapphire lover. Blowing his whistle twice again, he smiled as he puffed next to Edward.

Edward smiled warmly at his lover. The dark cloud that haunted him since that fateful day on the bridge had finally lifted from him a few days ago and he felt like his old self. Truth be told, Edward was scared of the engine he had become over the last few weeks, as he hadn't felt like himself and it terrified him to think that he would never feel the same again.

Thankfully, he no longer felt like that engine he had been, and he was relieved, to say the least.

Seeing the signal lights in front of them turn red, both Edward and Henry slowed to a stop. They blew their whistles in greeting as Hiro puffed past them, pulling a heavy goods train. 


In a field full of beautiful wildflowers, a young girl happily laid on her back, staring up at the clear blue skies. Bees buzzed around the girl, happily landing on the flowers but the girl paid them no mind. The buzzing sound relaxed her, and she took a deep inhale through her nose. The smell of flowers overcame her senses, and she stretched her limbs. She winced suddenly, a few bandages wrapped around her arms and legs covering her most stubborn wounds.

Her long blonde hair pooled under her like liquid sunlight as her golden-colored cat ears twitched slightly from the gentle breeze. Her golden tail with a sapphire tip swayed slightly against the flowers as she slowly sat up.

Grass and flowers stuck to her hair, but she gently and deftly plucked them out. Next to her was a backpack with a sketchpad leaning against it. A pallet of watercolor paints was sealed in their case with an empty jar and paintbrushes next to it. Aurora's ears twitched as she heard a familiar whistle and turned her head. Her ears perked up as she saw a familiar green engine slow to a stop next to the field.

"Hello, Aurora." Duck smiled as he looked at his friend. "Ready to go?"

Aurora nodded happily as she quickly packed her paint supplies in the backpack. Standing up, she grabbed the bag and ran over to the number 8 engine. Her golden hair flowed behind her as she ran, slowing to a stop near his cab. She nodded at Steven and Philip, Duck's driver and fireman, before putting her backpack into the cab. Bowing to them, she jogged over to Duck's face and happily sat on his running plate. A loud purr escaped her mouth as she happily nuzzled him. Duck chuckled softly as he gently kissed her head.

"Excited to get those wires out of her mouth?" Duck as he started to puff down the tracks.

Aurora nodded as she pulled her lips back just a slight fraction, showing iron wires keeping her mouth shut. She learned that her jaw was broken in her fall, and Dr. Forest had to use the wires to keep her mouth shut so it could heal properly. Leaning against Duck's cheek, Aurora sighed happily through her nose as she watched the scenery go by. After waking up, Aurora had to stay in the hospital for about two weeks for therapy due to her more severe injuries

But now, she was finally able to live at Tidmouth Sheds with her family once more, both inside the sheds and in her new house. At first, she was skeptical of it but now she loves it, especially since she can store her favorite snacks there, as well as her paint supplies and other knick-knacks from her adventures, as well as new clothes.

Book 1: Escaping the Big TopOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant