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"Look, Benson's colleagues tweeted about a welcome home party

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"Look, Benson's colleagues tweeted about a welcome home party." Jack told us as we walked along Benson's street.

"Wow, Jack. Stalk much?" Randall asked, rhetorically.

"I thought knowing our target was supposed to make our lives easier." Lilith said.

"How do we know who we're looking for?" Hamish asked Jack.

"You'll know." He replied.

We finally reached Benson's house.

"Guys chill, English teachers over there. Knights in a mission out here. We got this." Randall told us.

We looked around for anyone suspicious.

A man walked out his drive holding a shotgun.

"Oh. Here we go." Jack pointed to him.

We all looked at him.

"He's mine." Hamish said, walking towards him and taking his shirt off.

"I call dibs on next one." Lilith announced.

"I'm good for the night." I ran a hand through my hair.

"What, are you scared?" Lilith asked sarcastically.

"You don't know the half of it." I replied.

If I turned then I don't know if I could control what's happening to me.

I've seen it tear people apart in seconds.

"No killing." Jack told Hamish as the man cocked his gun.

Hamish took him out and a lady come out the drive opposite holding gasoline and a lighter.

"Lilith." I motioned my head towards the lady and Lilith ran towards her.

She burst the container and the lady snapped back to reality.

Randall took out a teenager who had a bat with nails in it.

"Jack! How long do you think this is gonna take?" Randall asked after turning back in like two seconds.

"I don't know." Jack replied.

I was sitting on the ground leaning against a lamppost calling out if I saw anyone suspicious.

"Jack, its been an hour! The magic's got to be dead by now." I said, still leaning against the lamppost.

"Yeah. I think we're good." Jack replied.

I got up and started to walk over to the others when a car came speeding round the corner.

I stopped in the middle of the road and prepared myself to catch it.

"Or not." I heard Jack say.

The car had stopped and had now began to rev it's engine.

"Dylan, you gotta transform." Lilith told me.

I didn't say anything, knowing it was true.

"Oh, shit." I muttered and the car came speeding at me.

"Come on Ace, don't make me lose control." I sighed.

The car came within centimetres from hitting me.

I slammed my fist down on the bonnet, I was now a wolf.

I quickly changed back and all the teachers came outside.

"Wrong house." I smiled at them before running off, the others following after me.

We all ran off into the woods.

The others changed back into wolves and ran off.

I stopped running.

I could feel Ace wanting to change.

"It's gonna happen eventually." I spoke out loud before changing.

I didn't try and control Ace I just let him do his thing.

I walked into the den and grabbed a robe from the coat rack that we had put at the door.

I walked into the living room where everyone else was.

"Where were you and why are you covered in blood?" Randall asked, sitting up.

I looked down and realised I had blood everywhere.

"Long story but I can tell you guys that I haven't felt this good in years." I told them, grabbing a beer from the mini bar.

"Yeah, saving people does make me feel good." Hamish said.

"Yeah, that's what I was talking about." I muttered, opening the beer and taking a large drink.

"I owe you an apology, Professor Clarke." Jack said as he buried his dead professor.

"Come to think of it, I owe you several. Starting with the fact that I have to bury you in an unmarked grave. I'm also sorry I missed your last lecture on...everything you need to know about Ethics. And I'm really sorry I lied about...writing that paper when I actually magicked it. And I'm...really sorry I killed you. But I think I learned a lot. I was given this awesome power and the first thing I did is get everything I ever wanted. Not cool. Not ethical. But I do promise you this, Professor Clarke. Your death won't be in vain." Jack finished.

Randall joined us and started digging.

"How did you find us?" Jack asked, as I sat leaning against a tree, watching.

"Have you learned nothing?" Lilith asked, stepping out from behind the tree I was leaning against with Hamish.

"We smelled that corpse from a mile off." She explained.

"You're not thinking of eating my Ethics professor?" Jack asked.

"Relax. No ones gonna horn in on your action. But...if you want to share..." Randall suggested.

"No one is eating my Ethics professor!" Jack exclaimed.

"Guys, come on." Randall acted innocent.

"Of course not. But if you change your mind." I said as Randall helped me up.

"We talked. We think your idea of an alliance could still work." Hamish told him.

Jack looked at all of us.

"No. No alliance...I give my life to the cause." Jack replied.

Randall hugged him before starting to dig again.

Hamish was smiling and Lilith looked grumpy as always.

We were all happy even if Lilith didn't want to admit it.

I was happier for sure, after all, I had found my new family.

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