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Randall and I burst through the doors, Jack clinging to our shoulders

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Randall and I burst through the doors, Jack clinging to our shoulders.

"Guys, something wrong. Somethings wrong with Jack." Randall spoke as we both carried Jack into the living room where Lilith and Hamish were stood.

"My skin, it's on fire." Jack groaned as we placed him down on the beanbag.

"Guys, guys, look." Randall bent down next to Jack and pulled his sleeve up making him shout.

"Sorry." Randall apologized as Hamish and Lilith moved closer to look at Jack's arm.

Something was moving beneath his skin.

"Thats Silverback." Hamish realized.

"Who did this to him? Was it that bitch, Alyssa? Whom I loved once." Lilith questioned.

Randall, Hamish and I gave her a weird look. "Like a sister, you perverts." Lilith replied and Randall nodded before turning back to Jack.

"What were they doing in that temple?" Hamish asked, bending over to get to Jack's height.

"They're preparing for something called the...the Vade Maecum." Jack groaned.

"Oh, fuck. I really wish you hadn't returned my memory." Lilith spoke.

"You've been mixing that stuff all night, isn't it ready yet?" Randall asked while checking on Jack who had fallen asleep on the beanbag.

"Do you want it made fast, or made right?" Lilith replied, still making the remedy.

"Sure you know what you're doing?" Hamish asked.

"You're the one who found my stupid memories, so shut up and let me use them." Lilith told him, running her finger down a page.

"This potion will cure him, right?" Randall spoke.

"No, but it should buy us time to figure out what is happening. Pour this into that." Lilith handed a small bottle and a funnel to Hamish before placing a shaker in front of him.

"I remember when you'd have broken my arm for even suggesting we do magic." Hamish told Lilith while doing what she had told him to do.

"I'll break it if you don't shake faster." Lilith warned him while finding the next step to the potion.

"So, how could a spell book do this to him?" Randall asked the question I had been wondering.

"I already told you. The Vade Maecum isn't just a spell book. It gives you absolute control over magic. No sacrifices, no potions, no spells. It's like you literally become magic." Lilith explained, not taking her eyes off the book.

"Then why doesn't everyone do it?" Hamish asked, still shaking the cup.

"One book, one person. That's the deal. We should be ready." Lilith replied.

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