"This helps a lot." I sigh as the hot liquid runs down my throat "let's get the food finished.". I stand up from my chair and Lily and I help Vanessa to get us some food finished. It was hard to not eat while doing the food though. I sipped from my chocolate here and there too.

"So, we did the food. It's your task to pack it now." Lily tells her brother as she caresses Johnny shoulder and giggles while walking off with her mother. "What, why couldn't you do that?" Jack sighs. "We have to check our make up you know." I joke and leave the kitchen just like Lily did a second ago. I feel someone watching me as I walk down the floor but I don't dare to turn and look.

I just walk upstairs and close the door behind myself after I entered my room again. "Jack protested didn't he." Lily laughs and I nod my head yes. "He's such a baby sometimes.".

"He's always a baby." She chuckles and scrolls through her instagram as she's not taking her eyes off of the screen. I go outside on our balcony and sit down on one of the chairs that stand there, right in the sunlight. I have to say that my skin seemed a lot more tanned and I loved that.

I lean myself back and look straight forward, watching the ocean and the blue sky that faded into each other. I know it's completely out of thin air but can you imagine being in a relationship with the father of your best friend? One should never do that! I mean it's weird, isn't it? Besides, I think you'd hurt your best friend a lot with that. Well, maybe not hurt. But it'd be weird!

It's not like I'm talking about Johnny when I think of that. I just find it an interesting thought. I'd probably be the most confused and maybe even offended mess if Lily told me that she'd been dating my dad. But I have to admit that my dad is not as hot as hers. No offense dad. But Johnny really is one of the most gorgeous men that ever existed and I don't know if it's just my imagination because he is the Johnny Depp or because strange things apparently use to happen between us or if I'm just stupid as hell but I feel like I am attracted to him. Which is weird!
I don't like the thought of it. I'm stupid, that just must be it. There's no way..

"We're coming!" Lily yells which got me out of my trance and back to reality. I shake my head a little to get rid of those WEIRD thoughts and stand up from the chair again. We hurry to get downstairs.

"Check this out!" Jack says proudly when he shows us the bag with all of our foods, packed in sweet little lunchboxes. "Looks amazing." I compliment him and move my gaze to look at Jobnny who smiles innocently and winks with his left eye.

We put on our shoes and leave the mansion. Johnny thankfully was fine with carrying the back until we were at our desired picnic spot. I hope Jack will carry the thing back though.

We start walking and I really pray to let time fly by quickly. I'm not in the mood for walking two hours straight just to find a lake that actually is only 30 minutes away. I quickly bring a hand to my mouth while yawning and rub the corner of my eyes a little. That tiredness kicked my ass.

"Still a little sleepy, huh?" Johnny says as he appears besides me, chuckling. "I didn't sleep that well." I defend myself and sigh quietly. "Therefore you'll sleep like a stone tonight." he replies, which actually is a nice way of thinking. I nod my head while smiling back at him.

"That dress of yours is gorgeous by the way. It matches with your eyes. Suits you very well." Johnny comments when his eyes roam my body before his gaze went back to my face. I look down at myself and giggle, slightly ashamed. "Thank you! It's one of my favorites and the heat is not as annoying." I blush.

The leaves and sticks on the ground crackle as we walk over them. I hear some birds that seem like they just flew above us and I spot a little lizard that hid on a perch. "Lizzy! I found your brother." Jack smirks as he points to the lizard. I giggle and sarcastically thank him.

"Your brother?" Johnny queries, obviously a little confused by not knowing our little inside joke. "My parents used to call me Lizard. They first started with Liz, you know short for Lizzy, and then they allowed themselves to make a little joke out of it and started calling me Lizard. They still keep doing it sometimes.". Johnny chuckles at my explanation. It actually annoys me sometimes but on the other hand I find it sort of cute.

I mean Lizards are somewhat cute. If my parents would compare me to a bug or even worse, a snake, man I'd be pissed that I can tell you.

We did find the lake much faster this time and unpacked the picnic rug. Lily and I stretch the blanket and lay it down in sand so we can sit down.
"Here we go." Johnny says as he puts down the heavy bag with our lunchboxes and hands us one after one.

We build a little tower with all of our foods. "Bon appétit!" Johnny says while sitting down and grabbing one of the boxes. I think everyone found something that he/she would like to eat since every single lunchbox was empty by the end. I lay a hand on my stomach and sigh a little. I feel uncomfortable with eating so much but it was so tasty.

"Do we still have some sandwiches?" Jack asks me with a curious gaze at the lunchbox in front of me. "How much can you eat?? No, it's empty." I show him the empty box and sigh again.

"My stomach's gonna be bloated for the rest of the day." I pout and gently rub over the material of my dress. "Same here." Lily sighs.

I swallow the last bit of my water and put the bottle to the side. I feel my eyelids getting slightly heavy and it's hard to keep my eyes open. And then, suddenly, everything went black.

"You slept like a stone!" Lily giggles and gently pushes me to the side. Apparently I did fall asleep during our picnic. I remember being nothing but tired but when did I fall asleep? And that's not even the worst part. I fell asleep and let my head rest on Johnny's shoulder.

"That ain't funny, you don't know how much this embarrasses me." I cry out and bring my hands to my cheeks. "Well that was just the start, sweetie. After some time you like fully leaned in on daddy. You literally almost fell in his lap." she laughs. I widen my eyes and take a short look forward to Johnny. He's talking with Vanessa right now but he seems to have noticed my stare since he turns his head around to look back to us.

I immediately look down to my feet again. "This is so embarrassing." I mumble under my breath. "C'mon, Liz, it's just funny. Nobody hates you for that. My dad didn't even seem to be bothered by it." she tells me. I look up to her and furrow my eyebrows "really?". "Yes, he actually was the one who insisted to let you sleep.".


Ayyy they're so cute I am so
freaking jealous of her hahaha

thank you so much for reading!

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