Chapter 43 - 'Do Whatever It Takes.'

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Wolfgang rushed into Rousseau's, responding desperately to the panicked call that Kol had made.

"Wolfgang." Kol called, his shirt bloodstained and his voice desperate. The Original had tears in his eyes and he looked so guilt-ridden that Wolfgang paused, taking in the wreck that was Kol.

"What happened, Kol?" Wolfgang asked and the Original shook his head, refusing to meet the hunter's eyes.

Wolfgang walked past him and into the main bar, freezing when he saw the corpse on the ground, bleeding from a bite in her neck. His heart lept into his throat as his brain registered the dead person's face.

"I killed Davina." Kol said, holding back tears. Wolfgang nodded slowly, not knowing how to react. Kol needed him to be his usual collected self and Wolfgang tried his hardest to slip back under the cold mask.

"Call Marcel, tell him to bring Vincent as well." Wolfgang commanded and Kol nodded as he phoned Marcel.


Marcel paced the room as Vincent looked over Davina's body. Kol sta at the bar, fiddling with his hands, trying not to focus on what he'd done.

"We gotta consecrate her." Vincent said as he stood back up and Wolfgang shook his head.

"We can't do that. The Ancestors will torment her, and we both know they'll do nothing less than a soul shredding." Wolfgang said and Vincent sighed.

"I'm not Regent anymore and the Ancestors have limited my magic. There ain't much I can do." Vincent countered and Wolfgang sighed, crossing his arms.

"Then we perform a ressurection, pull her from the ancestral plane and bring her back." Wolfgang offered and Vincent shook his head.

"No witch will do it, the Ancestors won't allow it." Kol spoke up and Wolfgang sighed as though the answer was obvious.

"Then we go to a witch not tied by the Ancestors. Freya can channel enough power to bring Davina back until we can find a permanent solution." Wolfgang said and Kol shook his head.

"My family won't help us, they don't give a damn." Kol countered and Wolfgang rolled his eyes at his obliviousness.

"You're family, Kol. They will help."


Kol held Davina's body as their group entered the Mikaelson Compound. Wolfgang walked into the room where Freya and Elijah stood and faced them.

"We need your help." Wolfgang said and Elijah shook his head, looking down at Freya, who was trying to find a way to kill Lucien.

"We have more pressing matters to attend to." Elijah said coldly. Just then, Klaus entered thr room and placed a hand on Elijah's shoulder.

"They'll help." Klaus said, turning to Kol and Marcel, "Davina was family in the end."

"What happened?" Freya questioned as Kol placed Davina's body gently on the ground. Wolfgang sighed before Vincent spoke up.

"The Ancestors cursed Kol to kill her. We consecrated her but Wolfgang and I figure that they'll try a soul shredding."

"Okay, so I pull her from the ancestral plane." Freya said as she began searching through her stuff, "I just need to find a way to keep her out for more than an hour."

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