Chapter 42 - 'Murder The Bastard That Took Her From You.'

Start from the beginning

"Good." Klaus replied before Elijah spoke, "What if Lucien's blood can cure his venom?"

"That actually makes sense." Wolfgang said and Klaus nodded, "My blood is the cure for werewolf venom just as Wolfgang's is the cure for his. Lucien would want the ability to lord over his victims like that."

"Lucien's blood is all over my apartment. I sliced him to hell before I left." Cami said and Marcel nodded, "Me and Vincent will go get it."

"Perhaps Hope's blood could work? We don't know the entire extent of it's healing abilities." Elijah continued and Klaus nodded. The hybrid turned back to Cami who was deteriorating and sighed.

"I'll stay here with you."


Wolfgang groaned as he stared through the microscope. He let out a slew of curses under his breath and rolled his chair across the room where he noted down his results.

"Fucking piece of shit." Wolfgang swore as he turned back to the microscope and enhanced the magnification.

"Everything okay?" Freya asked, looking up from her grimoire. Wolfgang shook his head and let out a sigh, burying his head in his hands.

"I can't isolate the antibodies." Wolfgang replied and Freya nodded, "Can't you do anything to draw them out?"

Wolfgang thought for a moment before he smiled and stood to his feet, "Draw them out.... You're a genius."

"Freya?" Wolfgang asked as he shot to his feet and started gathering some things, including an empty syringe.


"Can I kiss you?" Wolfgang asked and the Mikaelson witch looked confused before she shook her head.

"No." The blonde witch replied and Wolfgang moved to leave the room. Freya looked at him questioningly.

"Where are you going?" Freya asked and Wolfgang grinned at her, "I'm going to find our cure."


Wolfgang stood over Cami and Klaus, with the cure loaded into a syringe. The hybrid nodded at him in confirmation and Wolfgang injected the serum into Cami's body.

Cami gasped and opened her eyes. Her skin regained it's usual colour and her eyes lost the pained expression in them.

"It worked." Klaus said and Wolfgang nodded with a smile on his face, happy that he had managed to find a cure.

"Klaus!" Cami cried out and the hybrid rushed over to the blonde, who was rapidly returning to her previous stage of deterioration.

"No." Wolfgang said, his voice almost a whisper as he started to comprehend his failure. The vampire shook his head and flipped a table, shattering it as the table hit the wall.

"It should have worked!" Wolfgang roared before he stormed out of the room.


Wolfgang handed the envelope to Freya as he chugged a large glass of Klaus and Elijah's blood.

Freya studied the contents of the letter and looked at Wolfgang, "What is this?"

"That is the address of the warehouse where I'm keeping Rebekah." Wolfgang replied, "She has several vampire guards compelled to protect her."

"Why are telling me this?" Freya asked and Wolfgang sighed before he looked at Freya with a serious gaze.

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